Chapter 12

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Darren's P.O.V

Urghh. My head was killing me. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a very beautiful feminine room. I looked over myself and found myself in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts. I then found a glass of water with two Advil pills. I took it and then dozed off to sleep.

 Then I woke up again in the same room. I felt much better now. Then I saw a figure on the bed sleeping. I couldn't help but go over to the figure. Then I saw Lucy. My beautiful Lucy. She looked so cute in her sleep. I quickly grabbed my phone and snapped a pic of her. I was staring at her for the past 15 minutes and I couldn't take my eyes off her .

Lucy's P.O.V

My mind was awake but I was too lazy to open my eyes. Although I could feel someone staring at me but I just shook it off. I slowly opened my eyes trying to get used to the brightness. Suddenly I caught a pair of brown eyes staring at me and I instantly recognised those eyes, it was Darren. We locked eyes for a while. Then I broke the eye contact.

"Why on earth are you staring at me when I am sleeping.!"

"I-im sorry but you looked so cute." He rose his hand as a sign of surrendering. 

I crossed my hands and putting on a serious face. Then I looked over at him and he was looking at me up and down with a large smirk displayed on his face. Then I decided to look at myself to make sure my pajamas were not in a mess. Wait what! I'm wearing PJ's. Oh shoot i'm dead.

"Okay okay I do sleep in these until now." I said in a frustrated tone.

"Did you change me into these?" His eyebrows raised.

"Y-y-yes but I pinky promise you I didn't take off your umm.. you know." She was blushing. Then I realised that I had basketball shorts on.

"Umm whose basketball shorts are these. Are these yours?" She started to play with her fingers. She looked around the room nervously trying to prevent eye contact with me. 

"Umm...... I-it's not m-mine. Uh.... I-it's m-m-my br-oth... I-i mean it's my c-cousins. Y-yea it's my cousins. It's not mine." She was so cute when she stammered. 

"Are you sureee?" She was still not looking at me.

"Okay okay fine then it's mine. I wear them because they feel comfortable and yea."

Then there was another awkward silence, but this time she broke the silence.

"I'm still mad at you."

"What?" I couldn't think of anything but then the scene yesterday came into my head. I flared up again thinking about her talking to that Mike guy. "Oh before I go on you have to tell me who on earth is Mike?!"

"Anddd why should I tell you?"

"Because I said so."

"Well I don't need to listen to you. You don't control my life." She was so confident with me. I liked it. She was different. 

"Just tell me Lucy." I hesitated at first. But I decided to say it. "Please."

Her eyes lit up. "Did the great Darren Smith just say please?"

"Hey I learned manners at school okay?"

"But I still don't understand why I should tell you?"

"Because I like you Lucy. Ever since I first laid my eyes on your picture you looked so beautiful. Then I decided to come and meet you. You looked so beautiful in real life. Then when I saw you talk to that Mike guy I was so mad because I wanted you to be mine."

" Oh um okay. Mike is my PA and he is gay so yeah. And I'm still mad at you for calling me a useless girl."

"Lucy I'm sorry." She didn't talk to me. I was wrong for calling her that. "Thanks for bringing me back. I um guess I'll leave right now." I took my suit and left. Eventhough she didn't wanna talk to me I was still gonna try. Lucy was mine. I had to make her mine. 

Lucy's P.O.V

Darren left. I didn't wanna hurt him because love was not destined for me. His sweet talk was not gonna convince me. Although I did feel safe and comfortable around him. Then I looked at the home screen on my phone. It was a Monday and it was already 10:30am. I rushed out of bed and took my shower and got into my office attire. I rushed down not wanting to take breakfast.

"Not so fast tiger. You need to take your breakfast tiger." Dad said.

"But I'm late dad."

"Sweetheart your health is more important than wealth." Mom said.

"Tiger you are the CEO you an go at whatever time you want to go at."

"Okay then." I knew it was no point arguing with my parents.

I had my breakfast and rushed to work. It was an extremely busy work at the office, with my dad calling me.  It was 10:45pm and I was still working. Suddenly my phone started to ring. The screen showed 'DARRY BEAR'. I hesitated at first but then decided to pick up the phone.

Ring Ring Ring

Lucy: Hello?

Darren: Hello there, my beautiful Hello Kitty tiger.

His voice was so deep and husky which made me blush and he still remembered me wearing my Hello Kitty PJ's. 

Lucy: What do you want Mr.Darryyyy Bearrrrr.

Darren: Nothing. I just called you for fun. I wanted to talk to you.

Lucy: Ok then. Goodbye Mr. Darry Bear.

I was about to end the call.

Darren: Wait!

Lucy: What!

Darren: Have you had your dinner yet?

Lucy: Umm...y-y-yea.

Darren: Ok then. Goodbye my little Hello Kitty princess.

Lucy: Goodbye Mr Darry Bear.

With that I ended the call. I felt so sleepy and I dozed off to sleep. Then I woke up and found myself in a car. Wait what? Then I turned over and saw Darren. He looked so cute when he was driving. 

"What on earth are you doing to me. You can't kidnap me. Please, I'm innocent. I have a company to look after and a family. I will use my Taekwondo skills against you. I swear to"

"Relax Kitty. We're just gong for dinner."

"And how on earth did I get here?"

"I carried you sweetie."


"I knew you didn't have your dinner yet by the way you spoke on the phone so I decided to come and get you. But then you were sleeping so peacefully so I just decided to carry you."

"I'm still not forgiving you."

"Don't worry you eventually will" I gave her a quick wink. She just rolled her eyes at me. The ride was kinda silent, but that's just how I liked it. Quiet and peaceful. But then I remembered what her dad said. How she used to jam out to the radio. So I turned it on.

Her yes lit up when I turned on the radio. Her reaction was like a little girl who saw Santa Claus. Then she started to just shake her head. Suddenly when the beat of the song dropped she went crazy. Oh my god! She was whipping her hand and jumping around in my Lambo like crazy. When she was done she looked at me.

"Nice moves."

"Yea. I know I looked like an idiot."

Then we had dinner at one of my favourite restaurants. I dropped her off at her office because her car was there. 

Heyy guyz. I am busy with school...kinda so um I'm sorry if I update late. Anyway guys don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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