Chapter 6

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When we got home it was already 7pm. We had dinner and then per usual I went up to my room and let sleep take over my body.


Beep Beep Beep

Today was the day. The day I take over GRAHAMS.CO and I felt super nervous. I did my sleepy walk to the bathroom and took my bath and decided to change into my formal attire which mom and I had bought yesterday. I tries to keep myself simple by not wearing too much makeup. I went down the stairs and kinda acted like as if I was in a movie with my parents gasping. My dream was kinda interrupted by my mom who jumped onto me and hugged me.

"Lucy dear, you are looking like a real princess now. My princess is knows how to work her looks. You go girl" Mom said trying to be a cool kid.

"My little tiger looks so smart in office attire. You look like a billionaire." Dad said praising me too.

"Ok stop it you two." I pulled them both into a hug. "Now shall we proceed with breakfast. I'm starving." 

During breakfast, dad told me all the basics about the company. Then after breakfast I kissed and gave them goodbye hugs before leaving. I decided to take my baby which is my Lamborghini Aventador. I made my way to the door and I opened it and saw a chauffeur waiting beside the Limo. 

"Mrs Grahams" He said with a warm smile. "Shall we?" He brought his hand out to me.

"We shall."I gave him a friendly smile 

When we were settled inside the car I didn't like the idea of him calling me Mrs Grahams. So I decided to be friendly and start a conversation with him.

"Excuse me." 

"Yes Mrs.Grahams?"

"You don't  need to be formal with me, by the way my name is Lucy. What's your's?" I said with a smile. I was trying to be friendly.

"Oh my name is Sabashtien, Lucy." A big smile appeared on his face.

"Oh man that name is too long. Umm how about I call you Bash? Is that okay with you?"

"Yes that is fine with me." 

The car ride was fun because we were talking about our lives and then the car stopped infront of a huge skyscraper with the golden letters saying GRAHAMS.CO . Oh my gosh, its so big. Bash then opened the door for me and when the guards saw me they all bowed their head showing respect and I just gave them a warm smile followed by a good morning. I entered the building and I saw a lot of staffs holding welcome signs. I couldn't help but smile at their hard work. Then a girl with beautiful black hair greeted me.

"Welcome Mrs.Grahams. I am Lisa. And here is your personal assistant Mike. I hope you don't mind gay people because Mike is gay."

"I don't see a problem for Mike being gay."

"Perfect then." Lisa said with a huge grin on her face.

I saw a man who was good looking and then he walked towards me and greeted me.

"Well hello there Mrs Grahams. I am Mike. And girl I just gotta say if looks could kill, I would've been dead by now just by looking at you"

"Awww thanks Mike. Can I call you Mikey. It made me more happy. Can I?"

"Sure thing girl. You should see your new office. I personally designed it for you. I hope you like it."

"I'm so excited." I said. With that Mike and I took the private elevator leading up to the 50th floor. There I saw a room saying Ms Grahams. Ceo in gold. It was so pretty. Then I entered my office and my jaw dropped. It was so beautiful . It looked so modern and fancy with black and white walls. 

"Are you done staring, Mrs Grahams?" Mike jokingly said.

Yea yea I'm done. I rolled my eyes

"Without wasting any more time, I got started with work."


"Aren't you gonna go for lunch. You know it's just your first day and you are over stressing yourself." Mike said with concern filling his eyes. 

"It's fine Mikey. Besides I had heavy breakfast. Don't worry about me, I'm a grown woman." I tried to calm Mike down. With that I dismissed him and he left.

The day had ended for me. I was the last one to leave the office. I checked the time and it was 11:36 in the night. No wonder I felt very tired and hungry. I called Bash and he came after 5 minutes. He got out of the range rover and walked very slow. I saw his eyes and they had big black bags underneath his eyes. He opened the door and greeted me.

"Good evening...(yawn)... Lucy."

"You know what get in the passenger's seat. Now."

"No lucy I-I (yawn) can't. This is my job."

"I didn't ask. It's an order. Now get in." 

"Y-yes Lucy"

With that he sat in the passengers seat. He put in his address and dozed off to sleep. I woke him up when we reached his apartment. He thanked me and went to his house. I made sure he got in safely and decided to go home. When I reached home it was 12:24 am. I'm dead. Mom and dad are surely gonna kill me. With that I got in and saw my parents on the couch with worry filling up their eyes. 

"Lucy dear where have you been?" Dad asked me.

"We were dead worried about you." Mom said.

" I'm sorry mom and dad. I was just helping Bash. Please forgive me."

My parents just pulled me into a hug. Somehow my parents never scolded me. They always just gave me advice.

"So what did you have for lunch dear?" Dad asked.

"Did you eat at Eleven Madison Park? It was the nearest one there. How was the food there?"

"Umm....I-i-i umm..." I sat there in silence. With my head facing the ground.

"No, no, no. Don't tell me you did not take your lunch?"

I just kept staring at the floor.

"Lucy dear, I know you love the company so much but you can't put your life at risk. Please Lucy dear. Promise me you will not do this again." Mom looked up at me with concern filling her eyes.

After that incident my dad would always call to check on me, whether I had taken my lunch. It was a daily routine. And if I was working for extra hours, my dad would call me just to check on me.

Everything was working out well for me.

Sorry guys I took so long to update  my chapter 6. I have school now so it's kinda hard to publish new chapters but I promise I will publish new chapters. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guyzz so much. Baiii :)

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