Chapter 20

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Darren's P.O.V

Urghh. Today was an extremely busy day at the office and it was very stressful. My life has been upside down ever since Lucy left. I started to become a playboy once again with the paparazzi following me everywhere. I started to become my old self again. What about Lucy? I wonder how she's doing. After getting rid of that crazy girl I tried reaching out to Lucy but she never picked up. Today was really stressful so I decided to go to the club with one of the model's. After leaving work I picked up Stella from her house and we went to the club. We made our way into my private booth. There were some of my friends there as well. I wasn't in the mood for anything today. Stella was touching me continuously obviously trying to get attention from me. I decided to look at the club and one lady grabbed my attention. She was wearing a white dress that had fit her body perfectly showing off her beautiful curves, she had beautiful long legs and she kinda reminded me of Lucy. I smiled at the thought of Lucy. Suddenly Stella jumped up onto me and I immediately pushed her away.

"Hey Darren! Why did you thatttt?"

"Go away."

"But why Darrennnnnn?" She was rubbing my arm that it was annoying me.

"I said enough means enough!" Her whole face turned blank. I immediately walked out of the club. I was about to enter my car when I suddenly heard an angelic voice. It sounded just like Lucy's voice. It took me long enough to realise that the soft angelic voice was screaming for help. I immediately rushed behind the club and to my horror I saw the same girl in the white dress squeezing her face which was very cute, and I was just staring at her her face until I realised that that was my Lucy! It was my Lucy! But then I realised that the man was about to slap her. How dare he! I immediately rushed over to him and started punching and kicking him until he was completely helpless and holding my feet for mercy. I let him go and immediately rushed over to the girl. Suddenly I realised that it was Lucy. Oh my god! It's her, the love of my life! I just kept staring at her until she hit my chest.

"Hey s-s-sir. Thanksssss f-f-for helpinggggg meeeee."

"You're drunk aren't you."

"W-w-what! M-meeee am n-n-not d-d-drruuuuuunk!"

"Come on let's go."

"Okiiiii dokiiiiii." She giggled. God why on earth is she drunk like that? But a part of me was very happy that I met my Lucy. It was so awkward in the car but I bet she still didn't realise that it was me because she was drunk. 

"You shouldldn't get drunk like that."

"W-wellllll people do s-s-stuffs for a r-r-r-reason."

"And.. what was yours?"

"T-t-two reasons okay? One w-wassss because i-it w-wasss my b-b-best fwendsssss b-birthday and he told me to enjoy myself."

"Wait it was a he? Nevermind continue?"

"A-and I b-bwoke up with m-my b-boyfwend l-last y-y-year and I s-s-saww him on the nooossss and I g-got vewy vewyyyyyyy angweeeee."

"So you still love him."


"So what would you do if you saw him."

"I-i woulddd s-s-slappp him and s-say 'W-W-WHY D-DID YOUUUUUUU L-LEAVEEE MEEEEEE?!' then I would listen to his explanation and kiss him. O-only if his explanationnnn is goooodddd."

"Oh I see." I was smiling like a mad man right now because I was so happy that I met drunk Lucy. I feel like she's so cute and honest. Suddenly Lucy stretched up her hands and yawned I couldn't help but look at her.

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