Chapter 5

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Heyy guys. IDK what to say. Um... Enjoy :)

I knew it. It was the new chapter of my life. I felt so happy. It was the best day of my life.

8 years later

I am now 21 years old. Living the free life. Dad has been asking me to take over GRAHAMS CO. the family business. I promised him that I would but I just felt like as if I wasn't ready.  

It was the eve of Valentines Day and I wanted to go over to my boyfriend Rick's house. He told me that he was working over for his shift at the cafe but me being so stubborn I decided to go to his house. I took my white Lamborghini Aventador and drove to his house. I bought some chocolates and roses to suprise him since he was coming back later. I reached his house and suprisingly his car was there. Wait..what? Maybe he took a cab today. Behind his car I saw my bestie Sara's car. I was suprised but I took it the positive way.  Maybe Rick had decided to call Sara over because she knew what I liked. Maybe they were planning to suprise me. I took out the spare key Rick had given me. I opened the door my jaw and the box of chocolates and roses dropped. I saw Rick and Sara on the couch kissing. I burst out into tears. They both looked at me in shock.

"What on earth is going on! What are you doing? Oh my gosh this is all just a dream right. Wait no it's reality. Why Rick why? And you Sara you call yourself a best friend" 

"Lucy baby, it's just a misunderstanding. It wasn't what you saw."

"Boiii don't you try to sweet talk me. It ain't gonna work I swear if you try to cover up more I'm gonna lose it. Wait I've already lost it." I walked over to Rick and gave him the hardest slap I've ever given anyone in my life.  

With that I stormed out of his house and sped of with my Lambo. I don't know why but driving always makes me calm down whenever I feel bad.  After a while of driving I went back home and stormed into my room and slammed my face onto the bed crying all my heart out. I can't believe it two of the people who I trusted apart from my parents, betrayed me. Well I was thankful that they did not my secret from my past. My mom later came in and saw my condition and started going all crazy.

"Lucy my dear, what happened! Tell me right now!" My mom said in a soft tone but in a stern way.

"It was nothing." When I said that I was shedding more tears now.

"Don't tell me nonsense. If it was nothing then why would your eyes be red and swollen?!"

So I told my mom what had happened and she told me that the slap that I had given him was worth it.  Then I heard my dad walk through the front door.  Before I could tell my mom no, she called my dad.

"Eric come at look at your little tiger. She is crying."

My dad rushed in and he saw my face. My eyes were red and swollen and he came and sat near me with concern in his eyes but he also looked like as if he was going to he was going to murder the person who did this to me. I told him what had happened and he pulled me into a fatherly hug trying to calm me down. 

"That jerk. I am going to kill him. No wait I am gonna kill both of them for huting my little princess! But that slap was worth it, I tell you." Dad said with anger filled in their eyes.

"Yea dad that slap was worth it. I don't want revenge. I just wanna continue on with life." I tried calming him down.

"Ok then. Get some rest baby girl." My dad said.

"If there's anything we are next door ok?" My mom said.

"Ok then. Goodnight mom and dad."I said and they left. 

I decided to take a shower and then watch Netflix to calm myself down. I went down to the kitchen and got myself some ice cream. So after watching Netflix I felt darkness take over myself and my eyes were starting to get heavy. I let sleep take over. It was a Sunday and I got up just admiring the view infront of me and decided to freshen up by taking a bath. I switched into some comfortable clothes by wearing shorts with a sweatshirt. I went down for breakfast and were greeted by my parents.

"Good morning tiger. How's my little angel doing?" Dad said while sipping his coffee.

"Did you sleep well princess?" Mom said while looking at me with curiosity.

"Yes. I'm fine." I said with a reassuring smile.

After breakfast, I had decided on something. A decision which was gonna change my life forever. I had thought about it last night,


"Yes tiger?"

"I think I am ready to take over GRAHAMS CO."

My dad eyes lit up and he turned over to my mom.

"That's my girl. Finally. You can come with me to work tomorrow. Since it's Monday tomorrow. But first you have to go shopping with mom to get some formal office clothing." Dad said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yay. Shopping with my princess. Finally after all these years." My mom said trying to be dramatic.

"Ok then. Let's go mom."

We went shopping. I was pretty satisfied with my clothes. We were so tired.

 When we got home it was already 7pm. We had dinner and then per usual I went up to my room and let sleep take over my body.

This is Rick

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This is Rick.

This is Sara

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This is Sara.

Sorry for this bad chapter. Well at least I tried hihihih. Anyways 3 chapters in a day. Whoohoo. Anyways guyz don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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