Chapter 14

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Lucy's P.O.V

Beep Beep Beep

I got out of bed and took my shower. I got into my office attire and left for work. I had my breakfast and gave my parents goodbye hugs and kisses. I got to work and headed straight up to the office. Just as I sat down on my seat I heard 3 knocks.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in."

"Mrs Grahams you have a meeting with Mr.Knight in 30 minutes about the new business project."

"Oh thank you Lisa." Mike was gone for a week for family emergencies so Lisa had to be a receptionist and my temporary PA.

After 20 minutes I got ready for the meeting. I had to go to the washroom. What a relief. I got out of the bathroom and was about to press the button on my private elevator and I had suddenly collided with a wall. I knew it was somebodies chest, but it wasn't as hard as Darren's. I got ready for the impact ready to hit my face, but I didn't feel anything on my face but warm breathing on my face. I could also feel a hand around my waist. I looked up and saw a pair of blue eyes piercing through my eyes. He caught my eyes and didn't let go. I cleared my throat showing him that I need to get up. I got out from his hold. We were just staring at each other until Lisa came in.

"Mrs Grahams the meeting is about to start. But Mr Smith and Mr Knight has not arrived yet. "

"Oh yes. Thank you Lisa." I turned towards the gentlemen who was still staring me and my body. He had a huge smirk on his face. "Umm thank you sir for saving me."

"I think I am the one who owes you an apology. Im sorry. Well I am Chris Knight."

"Oh you are Mr Knight. I am Lucy Grahams. Shall we proceed to the meeting?"

"We shall."With that we entered the conference room. Mr Knight sat on my left. Suddenly Darren came in. He was part of my company since we were partners so he had to be there. He sat on my right. While I was explaining my plan I could feel Mr Knights stare on me and Darren's staring at him furiously. After the 4 hour meeting I was so hungry so I decided to go for lunch. Mr Knight left the room so it was only me and Darren. He seemed to be in a bad mood so I just left him.

"Oh so now you just ignore me when you like somebody else?!"

"What! What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about. I know that you and that Mr. Knight like each other. So you know what you should stay away from me!"

I was so mad and pissed off at his possessive behaviour so I took the promise ring out of my hand and slammed it on the table. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SO FREAKING DONE WITH YOUR STUPID BEHAVIOUR AND THE PARTNERSHIP IS DONE! I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO PAY TO END THE PARTNERSHIP. IT'S OVER! YOU NEVER EVEN CARE TO ASK ME WHAT HAPPENS. YOU JUST JUMP STRAIGHT TO THE CONCLUSION! " I was so stressed out and tired after everything I did I felt darkness surround me and I had difficulties to breathe. 

I woke up in a white room with a bright white light shining on my face. I groaned due to the brightness of the light. Suddenly I saw someone on the side of my bed and I looked closely and saw Darren. I gasped in shock that he was next to me. I tried to get out of the bed. I shaked the bed due to my weakness, so that means the more harder I tried the more the bed would shake. I didn't wanna wake up Darren. Suddenly Darren woke up and saw me. He reached out to me but I stopped him.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me. Go find someone else. I'm not good enough for you. Love is not destined for me. Infact it never was." I broke into tears.

"Lucy I..."

"No. I'm sorry Mr.Smith but I will leave right now."

"Lucy please."

"Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners. Thank you for helping me Mr.Smith."

I tried my best to get out of the bed. I finally did. I slowly walked out of the door and found myself in another mansion. I saw a maid there and asked her to guide me to the exit. I then thanked her and called Bash. He picked me up and I directly went home. I was very sad. I didn't say anything when I reached home. I straight away took the elevator and directly went to the room. My mom saw me and I just ignored her. I felt so bad for doing that but I had no choice.

I didn't take my shower or change into anything. With my office attire I sat on the bed just staring at the closet door remembering the incident between me and Darren. I broke down into tears. After a while my parents came into my room. I was so mad so I just asked them for some space and they left. Slowly I got up from my bed and went to the shower. I turned on the shower and let the water poke my skin. I cried in the bathroom for so long that I lost my voice. I still continued crying when I was putting on my clothes. I let sleep take over my body.

Beep Beep Beep

I got out from bed and took my shower. Suddenly I remembered the incident yesterday and started crying all my heart out. I lost my voice. I had my breakfast and didn't tell my parents anything because I lost my voice. They convinced me not to go to work but I wanted to go. I got into my car and I was crying the whole way to work. When I reached the building I was in the car trying to calm myself down. My eyes were swollen and had bags underneath it. So I just decided to wear my sunnies to cover my eyes. I got into my private elevator and took off my sunniness. I reached the office and opened the door. I saw Darren.

Darren's P.O.V

I was so sad after what she told me. I just went off to sleep thinking about how to regain the love of my life back. I thought of meeting her and asking her what had happened and then I would apologise. 

Beep Beep Beep 

I woke up and rushed to Lucy's office and waited for her. Suddenly the door opened and I saw my Lucy. Her whole face was pale. Her eyes had dark bags under her eyes and her eyes were red and swollen. She wasn't the cheerful Lucy that I had known.

"Lucy please. Can we just talk please." She said something but I couldn't hear her. "What?" Then realisation hit me. She had been crying yesterday and today so she couldn't sleep and that's why she had red eyes. So she must have lost her voice. I didn't know she liked me a lot. She gave up and tried to run but she was too weak to run so I caught her weak fragile body and pulled her towards me trying to calm her down. "Shhh. Calm down kitty." She turned towards me.

"It's all your fault. You don't know how I felt. I loved you Darren. And I still" She stopped.

"You love me kitty?"

"N-no I d-don't.."

"Can you repeat how you felt towards me again. Please?"


"Fine, I'll leave then. Goodbye Lucy." I turned around and slowly walked towards the door waiting for her to call me.

"No Darren wait." I turned around and saw her. "I love you."

With that I hugged her and kissed her. I felt so relieved. I finally know that she loves me. With that I gave her another kiss and left for work.

Heyy guyzz. I just wanted to thank you all for 200+ reads. Anyways don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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