Chapter 28

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Lucy's P.O.V


I was awaken by my mom who was stroking my hair gently. When she saw my eyes open she started tickling me and hitting me with a pillow. We were back in New York and I was living with my parents in their mansion. 

"Good morning sweetie, come on get up, you have a big day ahead of you." I groaned in frustration and covered myself with the duvets making myself more warmer, I'll admit that I do feel kinda sleepy since I couldn't sleep last night due to my excitement. My mom pulled the curtains open and I was literally blinded by the sun hitting my eyes. I woke up and got into the bathroom to get ready. I did my business and brushed my teeth. Then I filled my bath tub up and got in, after a while the water became slightly cold so I decided to step out and get into the shower and rinse myself. I came out of the bathroom with my bathrobe and a towel wrapped around my head. I got out and my room literally looked like a night market. Ladies were walking in and out and it was kinda noisy. Oh and did I forget to mention to mention that today was my wedding day and I don't even know why is there this many people in my room. Mary and Claire asked me to sit on a chair and they started to do my hair and make up. They didn't let me see myself in the mirror because they wanted to suprise me. After three and a half hours which felt like a freaking eternity, they finished doing my hair and makeup. I wanted to see my reflection but instead I was pushed towards my closet and found my wedding dress. Mary and Claire helped me get into the dress since they didn't wanna ruin my makeup or hair. They asked me to close my eyes and I did as they said. They guided me towards the floor length mirror in my closet and I opened my eyes. Oh my god! Is this woman infront of me, really me? I look so.....different. My dress My hair was pinned up into a messy bun which looked so pretty and cute, and for my make up Mary went with the natural smokey eye look since she knew I didn't like heavy make up. I turned towards Mary and Claire and hugged them to death.

"Thanks guys you are the best!"

"No problem Lucy and congrats." Claire said.

"Just take this as a wedding gift or suprise from us. I know it's the least we can do and."

"Mary this is awesome, you don't need to be sorry. You guys are the best!" I hugged them to death again. I checked the time and it was currently 11 in the morning and the wedding started at 12 in the afternoon. I wore my heels and rode the elevator down towards the first floor. Mom and dad left to the venue first since they had to be there to greet all the guests. I drank some water and proceeded towards the door. Bash opened the door and helped me get inside. I thanked him and he drove me towards the venue. I was waiting inside the Limo since I couldn't go in just yet. Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden. Come on just remember everything you taught yourself. Suddenly the door opened and mom came in.

"Oh my god my sweetie looks like princess. You are so beautiful. I-i can't." Mom started to tear up.

"Mom please don't cry, you're making me cry now." We both wiped our tears and Mary retouched our makeup. Yes she just witnessed this whole scene along with Claire. 

"Honey I got to go the ceremony is about to start okay." I nodded, she kissed my cheek and I kissed her cheek. Suddenly the door opened and my dad came into the Limo. 

"Can I have a moment with my daughtere please ladies?" Mary and Claire nodded and exited the Limo. 

"My little tiger looks so beautiful. I love you so much princess. You will always be daddy's little girl okay? Never forget that." I nodded. He started tearing up and we hugged each other. 

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