Chapter 27

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Darren's P.O.V

I woke up when the sun hit my eyes and looked at Lucy. The way her head was on my chest and the way she snores was just so cute. I opened my phone and found a notification from Instagram and it was from Lucy. I opened it and saw Lucy post a picture of me staring into the sea on the day I proposed to her. The caption read,

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

I smiled and I decided to take a picture of her sleeping on my chest. I posted her picture on Instagram. I looked over at the time and it was currently 7 in the morning. Maybe I'll exercise later with Lucy. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her. I felt sleep take over my body. 

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I loved the feeling because I felt so warm and comfy. Although I didn't wanna leave the comfy spot, I really needed the bathroom. So I tried to remove his hand from my waist but his hold tightened, not hurting me but just holding me in place.

"Where are you going?" Damn, his morning voice was so deep and husky. 

"I need to pee." His tight loosened and I hurriedly made my way towards the bathroom and finished my business. I made my way back towards the bed and tucked myself in. I saw a notification on my phone and decided to open it. I opened it and saw a picture of me sleeping on Darren's chest and the caption read:

You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

I smiled due to his sweetness. I'm sure I'm as red as a tomato right now, and suddenly heard a deep chuckle. I turned over to Darren. He was looking at me with a smirk which made him look extra handsome with his messy hair. He was teasing me, If he's teasing me, well two can play at that game. I lied down and faced Darren and put the teddy bear between me and Darren and hugged it so tight that I was afraid then it was gonna be permanently squeezed. I heard Darren groan in frustration. He pulled the teddy bear out of my hold.

"Kitty if you ever hug him that tight again, he's gonna go flying out of your window." He was mad. Yay my plan worked. I poked my tongue at him and turned my back towards him and he pulled me so I was now facing him again. 

"Leave me alone, I wanna sleep."

"What happens if I make you some breakfast?" My tummy instantly growled and feeling embarrassed, I hid my face in his chest. He chucked and hugged me. He was playing with my hair, and I felt sleep take over my body again.

Darren's P.O.V

I heard light snoring and that's when I realised that Lucy fell asleep again. I just loved how innocent and cute my princess was. I slowly pulled away from Lucy placing her head on the pillow slowly making sure that she won't wake up. I made my way towards my penthouse to get ready for the day. I got in my bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a shower. After that I got out and decided to wear a white v-neck shirt paired along with a pair of black rugged jeans. I made my way towards Lucy's penthouse and unlocked the door. I decided to make some eggs and bacon for breakfast. 

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of pans in the kitchen. I turned over to Darren, and realised that he was in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard my phone getting a lot of notifications. I opened the notifications and I was completely shook right now. The proposal is on the internet and the whole world knows about it, but I couldn't be mad right now because I watched the proposal and it was so sweet. I mean I can't believe it. The Darren Smith just proposed to me. I smiled and felt heat creeping up my cheeks. I'm sure I look like a fool right now jus smiling and blushing to myself. I mean who cares? I looked up and found Darren staring at me with a smirk on his face. I immediately covered myself under the duvets and heard footsteps coming towards me. The duvets were pulled and Darren was staring at me with a smile. 

"Kitty, you don't have to embarrassed about me looking at you blushing." I nodded and looked at him. I just enjoyed looking at his face. Was that weird? Whatever.. 

"Get ready princess. We have a long day ahead of us." He kissed my forehead and left the room. I hurriedly made my way towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I got out and decided to wear a white tank top and denim shorts. I decided to wear a grey cardigan over my top. I made my way over to my dresser and tied my hair up in a ponytail cuz it must be a 100 degrees out there. I applied my lip balm so that my lips don't dry up and made my way downstairs. I saw eggs and bacons on the table and attacked it. I looked up at Darren and he was smiling at me. I smiled shyly feeling embarrassed, but oh well it wasn't my fault, the food was really delicious. I'm so full right now.

"Darren?" He looked up at me. "Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure, we can plan the wedding later." I nodded and grabbed my sunnies. We went for a walk along the beach and talked for a while and sat down on one of the benches watching the kids building sandcastles. 

"Kitty I want you to follow me okay?"

"Okay..." He brought me towards his Lamboa and being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for me and then he entered the car. We were currently on the road, and I was getting more and more curious as each second passes by, but I just kept quiet knowing that he wouldn't tell me where we were going. After 15 minutes we reached a place where flowers and tress were surrounding it and there was a beach right behind and the scenery was absolutely beautiful. I was brought out of my thoughts when a woman probably in her early 50's came to us. 

"Hello Mr and Mrs Smith I am Emily and I am going to be your wedding planner." For the next hour we went on about the wedding. We reached home and Darren asked me to get his phone from the car for him so I went down towards his car and got his phone. I made my way towards my penthouse and the whole house was dark. What one earth happened here? I turned on the lights and everybody screamed 'SUPRISE!' I looked up at and saw a sign that said 'CONGRATULATIONS' I smiled and hugged all of them. I can't believe my family was here. Even Chris was there. After an eventful night I was so tired and gave Darren one of my sweatpants, and we both fell asleep into each other's arms. 

Hey guys. Sorry that right now I'm able to update once a week. Well I hope you guys enjoyed it, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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