Chapter 23

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Darren's P.O.V

There was a problem in one of my offices in Hawaii. I decided to go to Hawaii and try to clear my mind off everything. I got a penthouse near the beach since the view from there was amazing. I've been living in Hawaii for a year now and I've gotta admit it's amazing but my life feels empty, because my princess isn't with me. How I wish I could meet her and hug her right now. I miss her. The way she smiles makes me forget about all my problems, her laugh which was contagious. I really missed her. Anyways... I shook away my thoughts and made my way to the basement and was about to open my car. Wait, where's my keys? I groaned in frustration and made my way up the last floor again. I stepped out of the elevator and immediately bumped into a small fragile body. I immediately caught her small tiny waist and held her carefully. Her beautiful wavy hair covered her face like a curtain. The lady looked at me and.... Oh my god! It's my princess. I looked into her eyes and they held sadness. Before I could say anything she got up and got into the elevator. I sighed and got my car keys from the house. I sped off to work. For the whole day at work I could not stop thinking about her face. She is now more beautiful. After work my buddies Angelo Giovanni and Dylan Jones asked me to join them for dinner. I got back to my penthouse to get ready. I left for the beach cafe. I got in and saw them. I made my way towards them and we cracked some jokes here and there. The waiter came to take our order and she was clearly flirting with us, but I didn't care about her. I just ignored her. I was looking at the menu until the sweet melodious laugh reached my ears. I stopped looking at the menu and there she was. My princess. She was in a white playsuit which looked beautiful on her. It was simple yet elegant. Just like how she liked it. She looked like an angel. I smiled at the thought of her. I didn't I was staring at her like a creep for a while until Dylan nudged my elbow. I looked at him and he was wiggling his eyebrows at me and Angelo was winking at me. I just looked at my menu embarrassed at myself. Damnit! I was still affected by her.  I just stared at her, her laugh and smile was just beautiful. The girl beside her whispered something to her and she looked at me and heat was creeping up her cheeks. She's so cute. She immediately rushed to the bathroom and I took the opportunity to talk to her. I made my way to the bathroom and waited outside. I could hear her calm herself down in the toilet. I chuckled at her innocence. She came out and collided with my chest. I quickly caught her small waist making sure that a she was not hurt. She got up and was about to walk away but I blocked her. I don't want her to leave. I walked towards her and she walked backwards until her back hit the wall. I smirked inwardly. I just looked at her eyes, and she looked into mine. Suddenly she bit her lip and looked down. God she looked so beautiful when she did that. It made me want to kiss her but I controlled myself. 

"Dont. Do. That." I paused after every word making sure she understood me. She raised her eyes at me obviously clueless about what she was doing to me. 

"Don't bite your lip goddamnit."

"Oh, I-i'm sorry." She looked around everywhere except for me. I could tell that she was nervous. 

"I missed you." She was just silent. She looked into my eyes and her eyes held emptiness. Without saying anything she just walked away. I heaved a sigh of frustration and left for my table as well. I noticed her behaviour about how she was not smiling or laughing anymore. Great. Now I feel bad. She left after a while with Chris and that other girl. Dylan and Angelo were talking and cracking jokes but I was silent the whole time.  After dinner we bid our  goodbyes and left. Well actually Dylan and Angelo invited me to go with them to the bar but I declined their request. Why? Because I wasn't in the mood do anything but just relax myself. So I decided go to bed and sleep off. I tried my best to sleep, but I just couldn't. All because of that face. So I decided to go to the beach because it's quiet and the view just calms me down. I got changed into a white v neck shirt and black shorts. I made my way towards the beach and saw... Oh my gosh that's my Lucy. I quietly made my way towards her and sat down beside her quietly. I just looked at her face. It was so beautiful. The way her face shines in the moonlight was just amazing. The wind blew through her face and it was just beautiful. I decided to speak to her. 

"Hey Lucy." Her body jolted up and her eyes opened up wide. Oops. "Sorry." She just nodded in agreement. It was so awkward. "So umm... how's life?" 

Lucy's P.O.V

"So umm... how's life?" He scratched the back of his neck. Was he nervous?  He shouldn't be. After all, he's the one who wanted our relationship to end. I was shook out of my thoughts when I heard him call my name. "Oh.. sorry. You zoned out for a while." I just nodded in agreement again. There was really nothing for me to say. "So how's everybody doing at home?"

"Good." I felt rude about not answering so I was about to ask him about his family but something else came out of my mouth. Oops.... "So hows your relationship going on right now?" I immediately covered my mouth.

"Curious now aren't we?" He smirked. God. That same smirk which always made my knees weak. I felt creeping up my cheeks. 

"I-i-i swear that w-w-wasn't what I was gonna say." He chuckled. God! I just love his laugh. 

"Anyways I didn't have a relationship after us." My eyes widened. Wait..?What?! Does that mean he's not been dating ever since he broke up with me? Pssh. He mush be lying. Even I could say that. 

"Mmhmm." I hummed sarcastically.

"Hey I was serious. I mean I know you think of me dating all these actresses and models but I wasn't. I never found any happiness with them after meeting you. So umm.. how about you?"

"I'm doing fine I guess. I just occupy myself with work and so I guess I call myself a workaholic." He hummed in agreement. 

"So what are you doing here?"

"Just clearing my mind off some things. You?"

"Same. And I'm really sorry about just now. It's just that when I saw you I just wanted to talk to you."

"It's fine." Suddenly my phone started to ring.

Ring ring ring

"Hey princess. How's everything there?"

"Hey dad, everything's going great so far."

"Well how was your umm.. hold on what time is it there?" I chuckled

" It's 11 dad." 

" So how wa. Wait.... why are up at this time?"

"I just wanted to go to the beach to clear my mind off some stuff." 

"Oh well, sleep well tiger. I'm so glad that you've finally decided to take a rest. I mean.. you always come back home after 12."

"Well dad I just find working cool."

"Mmhmm. Okay then your mom wanted to speak to you but knowing her she slept off." I chuckled. I just loved my family so much, They were so nice and caring to me unlike my... whatever. "Well goodnight tiger. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight dad. Love ya."

"Love ya too princess. Goodbye."  He ended the call. 

"Sorry about that."

"Hey it's fine."

"Okay then. I think I'll be leaving now."

"Oh umm.. me too." We made our way up to the floor and bid our goodbyes to each other. I made my way to the bed and just dumped myself on the bed. I was so thankful that he wasn't forcing anything. He was just trying to be friends with me. I smiled at the thought of that. With that I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Heyy guyzzz. So what's Darren up to??  So I know some of you guys are really mad at me for not updating and  I'm really sorry. I have a lot of homework and tests so I'm sorry about that. Anyways guys don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii 😁

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