Chapter 13

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Lucy's P.O.V

I took my car and drove off to home. I did my routine by screaming and then I went into the shower and got into my PJ's and slept off.

Beep Beep Beep

I got up and lazily went to the bathroom, took my shower and got into my office attire. Then I went down for breakfast and as per usual I was greeted by my parents. Then I drove off to work. It wasn't such a busy day at work today. Then when it was lunch time, as per usual I went to Eleven Madison Park. I placed my order and was just on my phone. Suddenly I left my phone and decided to just look around. Suddenly I saw someone who I felt like I knew. It was Darren. He was with a beautiful actress or model who had too much make up on her face and looked like a ghost to me. He held her hands and made her laugh. He turned around and saw me there. I took my bag and stormed out of the restaurant. I can't believe it. The guy who liked me for only god knows why betrayed me. I knew it. Love wasn't meant for me, infact nobody ever will. The time when I believed in love and relationships I was betrayed. But why did I feel like this. It's not like as if he ever proposed to me or confessed to me. Why did I feel this way. He just said that he loved me like yesterday and now he's with some other girl. I drove off to office and asked Mike to get a sandwich for me. 

There was not a lot of work today so I just went home early. I decided to push away the thoughts of Darren. I wanted to be happy when I was with my parents. He is not worth it. I came home with a cheerful face. I opened the door and screamed to the loudest that I could to let out my stress.

"Everybody I'mmmm homeeeeee!" I opened my eyes and saw Darren and his dad siting on the couch opposite to my dad. Darren's jaw was down. I cleared my throat and dusted off my clothes trying to act formal. "Excuse me gentleman, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused." With that I was about to go up to my room not wanting to look at that jerk's face.

"Lucy, how about you come down here. We're talking about the company." Without looking at Darren I made my way to the couch and sat beside my dad. I looked up to Darren and he had a huge smirk on his face which I wish I could've just slapped off. We were talking about business and then dad and Mr.Smith were talking about their lives after they retired from the company. I was looking around the room except for Darren. Then I excused myself but Darren was smart enough to think fast.

"Excuse me Mr. Grahams can I have a tour around your house?"

"Sure thing Darren. Tiger please show Darren around the house."

"But..." Dad gave me his sad face and I had no choice but to take Darren on a tour. I led him up to the balcony. I never looked to Darren although I could feel his gaze on my back. 

"This is the balcony." I just stared at the beautiful sky. I felt Darren staring at me I turned to him and our eyes caught one another.

"Listen Lucy, she was my best friend from middle school. She came here for a movie shoot and she took the opportunity to meet me. And I only have one person on my mind. You wanna know what she's like?"

"Yea sure" I replied sarcastically.

"She looks like an angel in real life. She is kind and very playful. She does not need makeup to make herself look pretty because she is already naturally beautiful. She is smart and perfect for me. She is mine. I would anything to make her mine. I am gonna confess my feelings today for her. So Lucy Grahams I take one knee down to you, I never thought that these words would ever leave my mouth but, I love you. And I really mean it. I know its too fast but can I at least give you a promise ring?"

I was shocked but I felt like as if he meant it and I felt very protected and secure around him. I let out a soft yes.


"Yes." He slid the ring onto my fingers. His touch sent shivers down my spine. Without hesitation he pulled me into a hug and was about to kiss me but I stopped him. "Not so fast Darren."

"Fine. But I'm still gonna get that kiss."

"No you are not gonna get it. We should continue with the tour. I'll um show you my room." With that I led him to my room. He sat down on my bed and signalled me to sit next to him. 

"Hey you remember that day when you were wearing Hello Kitty PJ's that day?" 


"I wonder how many of those you have in your closet." With that he went into my closet.

"No no no." I ran as fast as I could and I blocked the door to my closet. I looked at him and he had a large smirk on his face. He came closer towards me and I couldn't run anywhere. He was so close to me that I could feel his breathing on me. He slipped his hand behind my neck and slammed his lips on mine. He kissed me. Nooooo. This is not the way I wanted my first kiss to be. But well I guess I was happy to have him as the first man to kiss me. Then I used all my strength and pushed him away. He stopped and looked at me with a huge smirk on his face. 

"I told you I'll get it."

"Fine. But that still does not mean you can enter my closet."

"Oh yea I forgot about that thank you for reminding me about that Kitty." He gave me a quick wink. "Now get out of the way."


"Kitty please get out of the way. Or else-"

"Or else what?" I was confident in myself.

"Fine. You asked for it." With that he picked me up bridal style and put me on the bed.

"What are you doing!" I was scared.

"I'm making way for myself." With that he went inside. Uh oh. He came out of my closet with his jaw dropped. I quickly got up from the bed to escape him but he was too fast. Both his hands slipped around my waist and pulled my body towards him. My back was against him. I could feel his warm breathing. He then whispered into my ears.

"Don't try to run away from me kitty. You're mine and I will always be with you." It sent shivers down my spine which also made my legs weak. "Now I have to go ok? I promise I'll visit you tomorrow."

With the he gave me another kiss and he left with his dad. I then had my shower and then got into my Minnie Mouse PJ's. I was so happy. I then let sleep take over my body.

Heyy guyz. 2 chapters in a day. Yay. Anyways don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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