Chapter 19

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"Get away from me you useless girl!"

"Darren please don't leave me."

"Get away from me!"

"Please Darren.. don't leave me. Please please please!"

"Lucy... Lucy...Lucy wake up. Maids bring me some water!"

"Please please please!" I felt water splashed on me. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw my mom and dad standing beside me. Suddenly I thought of the dream and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. My parents knew about my break-up with Darren. For months I have had this nightmare in my sleep. It keeps haunting me. 

"Tiger are you okay?"

"Yes dad I am fine."

"Princess you are not fine. I mean look at you, you are sweating and crying. You were also screaming in your sleep: Please please please!"

"Mom I'm fine. It was just a dream. Now please excuse me I need to get ready for work." With that all of them left the room letting me get ready for work. I sat on the edge of my bed just staring at the closet remembering the incident between me and that jerk who has ruined my life. A year has passed and I still have that nightmare between me and that jerk. I got up and got ready. I had my breakfast and drove to work. Today wasn't so busy. It was lunch time and dad called in to check on me. 

Ring ring ring

"Hey dad." That time Chris walked into my office. He was my best friend. He always made me feel better about my break-up with Darren. I mouthed to him '1 minute.' He put his thumb up.

"Hello tiger. It's lunch time and you should go for lunch."

"Yes dad."

"Ok then. Goodbye tiger."

"Bye dad." With that I cut the call and looked at Chris.

"Your dad really cares about you. You're really lucky to have a dad like him."

"Yeah, I'm really lucky."

"Anyways shall we?" Chris smiled showing his pearly white teeth to me. He extended his hand to me.

I took his hand. "We shall." This was an everyday routine at work for both of us and we never got bored about it. Chris also became my new business partner after I ended the partnership with that jerk. The company was extremely successful. While we were eating Chris's behaviour was very weird because he kept asking about relationship advice from me and I knew that something was up.

"Okay Chris speak up."


"Oh come on! You kept asking me for relationship advice isn't it obvious? Now tell me who is this girl who has made her way into your heart."

"W-what I'm fine."

"Come on Chris please tell me."

"Okay but promise me you will let enter your building after I tell you."


"I like your receptionist."

"My what!"

"Shh.. keep it down."

"You mean Lisa?"


"You do know she's married right?"


"Just kidding."

"Oh man you scared me for a moment."

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