Chapter 1: Power

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A month after Book 2's ending

New Germany, Remnant's saviour had now undoubtedly turned into the opposition. The Nazi's propagandists had turned many people against the very nation that tried their best to protect them at the Battle of Beacon. The Kingdom of Atlas, they knew it was going to be a great strain on their already weakened economy to combat the evil Nazi hoards so they decided to attempt to wait for an uncertain miracle to take place. But it proved to be utterly useless, the Nazis had already started to bomb and clear the Forever Fall and the Emerald Forest into oblivion, sending the once powerful creatures of Grimm into hiding, nonetheless fearful of the men who had taken their once vast lands from them.

But Atlas had another card up their sleeves, a dust embargo on Nazi Germany, having the unfortunate side effect of halting their Klone productions due to Dr. Richtofen having no dust to convert into cloning dust to use at the facilities. But it didn't matter, Germany's army had swelled to 20 thousand strong and had a firm hold over the city of Vale. As well as most of Vale's territory, which is now either occupied, neutral, destroyed or industrialized.

New Germany Command Centre.

Fegelein: It's now evident zat Atlas seeks to ignite ze hostilities betveen zem und us.

Joseph Goebbels The 2nd: But vhy? Zey know it is futile to combat us. Zey might know it ist easier for zem just to surrender zo us,

In the corner, Standartenführer Y/N L/N smoked his cigarette and glared at the three men at the conference table, Führer Fegelein, Joseph Goebbels II, and General Dietrich.

Y/N: Zey don't vant zo surrender zo us because it zis not in zere nature. Zey zink zey own zis vurld, but nien, not anymore.

Goebbels II: Vhich ist vhy ve need zo show zem zat zis is futile. Ve need more klones!

Richtofen; Jou except me zo make more soldiers vhen ve don't even have ze resources zo!

Dietrich: Someone has zo find more dust, ve'll need zat zo produce more klones.

Y/N: Zat vill have zo be me. I'll take some men and try zo find a Dust reserve. Zere should be a few in Vale. Dust is vhat ze German economy needs right now.

Dietrich: Very vell zen.

Fegelein stood up and placed his hands behind his back.

Fegelein: So be it Herr L/N, I shall gift jou vith ze 16th Panzergrenadiers and jou vill find me a dust reserve within ze end of ze year. Ja?

Without any notable hesitation, the young and ambitious colonel nodded and gave his Führer a proud Nazi salute.

Y/N: Jawhol mien Führer! Heil Fegelein, Heil Deutschland! Sieg Heil!

As Y/N exited the room, Fegelein held up his hand.

Fegelein: Vait! L/N! I have a reward for you for your hard work.

Y/N turned around and raised an eyebrow.

Fegelein turned to a door and snapped his fingers while simultaneously whistling.

Two SS soldiers entered the room, holding a beaten and bloody huntsman in their hands. His legs were broken and disfigured, his eye blackened and bruised.

Fegelein: Hello there, now vould jou like zoo give Y/N here your aura?

Huntsman: *cough* N-never I'll never help you and your rotten cause.

Fegelein: Very well zen, Richtofen!

The doctor rolled in a strange device, fitted with some sort of clunky 40s technology, but had some sort of transfusion device.

Richtofen: Hook zem up!

The two SS soldiers walked over to the device and shoved needles into Y/N and the Huntsman's arms, suddenly Favourite/coloured energy flowed into Y/N's body, he cringed in slight pain as the Huntsman felt his aura leave his body.

Richtofen: Finished! Y/N's Storm Elite modifications plus ze power of aura should render him nearly invincible! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dietrich: Perfect... Ze huntsman should be useless zo us now.

One of the SS soldiers nodded and unsheathed a rusty Hitler Youth knife, slitting the Huntsman's now unprotected throat. Letting him fall to the floor, and soon his body getting dragged out.

Y/N: I feel... great... zis feels WUNDERBAR!

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now