Chapter 15: Emperor of the Tigers

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Ruby heard a crumbling noise and turned to see a large tank come out of the treeline.

Travers: TANK!

The Tiger III stopped while at the treeline, observing it's opposers. As it's topside barked orders to his crew members.

Tank Commander: Ich sehe die Jäger und die Amerikaner!

Loader: Laden Hoch Explosiv!

Blake: How do we deal with it?

Weiss: Looks bigger and more armoured than Y/N's tank at the Vytal Festival.

Travers: We'll have to flank it, you guys take the right, me and my men will take the left. We'll shove a Bazooka round up it's ass.

Team RWBY: Right!

Russel: I'll stay with Team RWBY.

Tank Commander: Vorwärts!

The Kaiser Tiger lurched forward, going about 33 kilometres per hour across the flatlands. The 90mm gun turned to face the hunters and fired, the explosion propelled the huntresses back and emptied their aura a bit, mostly Russel who took the brunt of the damage compared to Team RWBY.

Yang: That thing hits hard! Let's hope the Americans can destroy it from behind.

Russel: If we don't stay in a large group maybe the tank won't be able to hit us...

The Huntresses started to split up and began assaulting the tank by long range from different directions, though the Dust's explosions brushed over the Tiger's armour, and it turned it's attention to the Americans, turning it's chassis to face the huntresses but it's turret faced the group of paratrooper trying to fire at it with a Bazooka.

Reiben: Fire fire!

The Paratrooper fired the anti-armoured weapon, which smacked the Tiger III's backside, leaving a dent in it's armour.

Travers: What the?

Paratrooper: Run!

The 90mm fired a high explosive round and killed 4 Americans, while also destroying the Bazooka.

Reiben: Oh shit!

Travers: We need to get back to the huntresses.

The Tiger's machine-gun fired at the Huntresses as they approached the armoured vehicle, it's massive form moved back as the Tank Commander ordered to block any attempt on the wheels. Ruby leapt up at the tank and sliced the turret armour with Crescent Rose, scratching the paint-job and causing her to fall back.

Tank Commander: Nein! NEIN! Lass sie nicht hinter uns! Töte sie! Wenn sie hinter uns kommen, können sie uns töten!

The MG below the chassis began firing bursts at the teams of Huntresses, the Tiger III retreating backwards. Russel's aura was too low, he was struck in the chest and fell just a few feet away from Fuby.

Ruby: Russel!

Travers dashed behind Team RWBY, alongside Reiben who were both panting.

Travers: Comp-B isn't working in this thing!

Yang: Well there's only one way this thing's going down!

Yang ran right at the tank, leapt up onto it's turret, and began punching the slopes, though her punches, along with Ember Celica didn't really do much. The Commander had to button up, which left the Tiger III in a venerable point.

Ruby: Guys I have an idea!

Reiben: Please speak, before we're blown to bits like your friend was there.

Ruby: The tank has a blindspot now, it can't see what's happening to it from the sides. Corporal, you and your men can disable the Tank's movements.

Weiss: Stick some explosives on it's wheel and bam! It's done!

Weiss stuck Myrtenastar into the ground and summoned a huge robotic-like suit of armour.

Reiben: Holy whooper nuts!

Blake sent a purple shockwave towards the tank's frontal chassis, the cut created a black mark on it's chassis, as it wildly fired rounds about, hoping for it to throw off Yang.

Weiss' suit of armour bashed it's sword against the Tiger's upholding defences,  While Ruby, with all er available, cookie-fuelled might, sliced off the muzzle of the Tiger's 90mm gun.

Travers: Lay down the Comp-B here!

Travers and Reiben stuck together a few pieces of Comp-B and ignited it, tunning away from the metallic monstrosity, it's slurred movements due to the loss of it's wheel only tired the crew members out as they became exhausted.

Then Yang used Ember Celica to bash a hole through the hatch on the roof, dragging out the Commander, Gunner, and the driver. The machine gun manner was killed due to the Comp-B explosion.

The group let the crew members go, since they wern't really a threat to them or their operation, then there's Russel who was dead before Team RWBY and the Americans were able to knock out the tank.

Yang: We should continue his mission.

Blake: Who has his scroll?

Ruby: I do.

Weiss: With that out of the way, we can probably get back to Atlas.

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