Chapter 20: The Real Bomb

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Blake: I'll keep them at bay!

Blake yelled, firing Gambol Shroud at the approaching Wehrmacht and SS soldiers on full auto, causing a few to fall off the flatbed car. Either falling onto the Vacuo desert or getting grinded up into mince-meat by the Panzerzug's wheels.

Yang: Where are the others?

Blake: I don't know. But they'll be here soon. How're the charges coming along?

Yang: If I knew how to do the wires I'd be doing a good job.


The Team then entered a weapons storage car, Ruby marvelled at the different weapons, as Adalard gave her a brief description of them.

Adalard: Zat ist a Karabiner 98, a bolt action rifle.

Ruby: Like Crescent Rose but without the scythe blade?

Adalard: Ja.

Alfonso gathered some rifle ammo, and Adalard found a ZF-4 tactical scope for his Sturmgehwer. Hans grabbed an improved MP-40/l, with dual mag action.

Adalard: Zese are cool upgrades.

Weiss: We need to keep going if we're going to get to that weapon you're talking about Y/N.

Y/N: Ja.

The group kept going, reaching the next car, with held a few dozen soldiers, already attacking Yang and Blake on the next car.

Wehrmacht soldier: It zis ze traitor!

SS Soldier: GET ZEM!

Half the force charged straight into Y/N's DG-2, all getting electrocuted, the group stepped over the charred corpses and exiting the cart, avoiding friendly fire from Yang and Blake.

Hans: Hold ze fire! It Is us jou dummkopfs!

Yang: Whoops, sorry there guys.

Y/N: Ze train ist mostly secure, but ze Nuclear Bomb ist still in zere possession, ve'll get zoo ze next car, und destroy it.

Hans: Vat are ve vaitig fur? Let us zoo it now!

Hans jogged past the immobile tanks and to the next car, containing the Nuclear Bomb. As soon as he opened it, he was face to face with another Nazi Storm Elite.

Nazi Storm Elite: Traitor zoo ze Führer!

Hans: Oh shit...

Hans was blasted away, as Y/N shielded himself and his remaining partners with his DG Energy Shield.


Y/N charged forward and bashed the Storm Elite's mask open with his gloved fist. Team RWBY and what remained of Y/N's squad surrounded him.

Storm Elite: Jou're all enemies of ze Führer, jou all vill die!

Yang: Well this is a really ironic position you're in then.

Storm Elite: *crunch* HEIL FEGELE- *gags and chokes*

The elite trooper foamed from his mouth, staining his decorated SS uniform. Y/N dropped his corpse and turned to the lare crate in the middle of the room.

Y/N: Zere it ist! White, Blake, go 'ask' the train driver zoo stop ze Panzerzug.

Blake: Alright.

Blake sliced a hole through the roof, as she and Weiss approached the armoured train's front. They opened the hatch of the turret, dragging a Panzer driver out of the turret and throwing him off the train.

Blake jumped into the locomotive, seeing the driver whistling with his hands on the controls.

Blake: Don't move...

The driver paused, cursing under his mouth as he stepped forward, Blake loaded her pistol and shoved him to the ground, Weiss fell into the steam car moments later.

Weiss: Now, what stops the train...

Blake: Perhaps that lever that is labeled 'Drosseln'?

Weiss: But why would... Oh yeah, they speak a different language.

Weiss pulled down the lever, which broke it, causing the train to accelerate to higher speeds. Flooding the locomotive itself with smoke.

Weiss: *cough* That wasn't it!

Suddenly, Adalard popped his head through the turret hatch.

Adalard: Vat's going on? Ind vhy ist ze 'Throttle' broken!!?

Blake: Oh... so that was the throttle.

Adalard: Ugh! Zat zere's ze brake!

Weiss and Blake followed Adalard'd finger, which pointed to a lever just above the Throttle, labelled 'Bremse'

Blake pulled the lever this time, a high screeching noise could be heard, sparks flew off the Panzerzug's sides. As the train could clearly be felt slowing down.


The colonel along with Ruby burst through the back of the frontal train car.

Adalard: Vat?

Y/N: ZERE VAS NIEN NUCLEAR BOMB IN ZE BOX!! It vas empty ze whole time!...


Weiss: Does this mean?

Ruby: We did all that work for nothing???

Y/N ruffled through his hair with his gloved hands. Bewildered as well as surprised.

Meanwhile at the previous train station.

Matthew had made it back to the train station, and was greeted by Führer Fegelein, who was wearing an Afrika Korps uniform in place of his ceremonial one.

Fegelein: Jou've done vell...

Matthew: Danke, Mien Führer.

Fegelein: Jou assured distractions, has given Deutschland anozer chance at victory.

Fegelein turned to eight SS soldiers holding a big box, which contained the REAL Atomic Bomb.

Fegelein: Send it zoo ze Eastern Vacuo airfields, have it loaded up. Und report zoo me vonce ze deed ist done.

SS Soldiers: Jawhol mien Führer!

The Nuclear Bomb was loaded onto a flatbed truck, escorted by 4 motorcycle units, along with a halftrack.

Fegelein: Antics... I just love ze antics. He he he.

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now