Chapter 14: Run-ins

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After burying Russel, The group carried on, Ruby had already called for Atlas to pick them up on the northern shore of Vale. But they were oblivious to another group of people who were undoubtedly spying on them. They had walked through the charred and once beautiful Forever Fall, which had been cleared of Grimm several weeks before.

Yang: Does anyone still remember our little 'field trip' here?

Ruby: Do I ever...

Ruby sighed at the thought of once having been around trees which bore the likeliness of her colour scheme. Now having been reduced to nothing but a black, burnt and apocalyptic feeling... Suddenly, they heard a snap. The last four remaining paratroopers who included Reiben and Travers, stopped and looked around.

Travers: What is that?

The group turned around, trying to find the source of the noise. They turned a full 360 and didn't find anything, until they heard the distinct sound of breathing through a  gas mask.

Paratrooper Bob: Germans!

Team RWBY brought out their respective weapons, while Reiben looked around with his B.A.R, and Travers with his M1928 Tommy Gun.

Travers: Nazi Storm Elite!

The group turned around to see indeed a Storm Elite, but with a stick, which was wrapped in a white cloth. The Sign of Surrender.

Y/N: Gutan tag. I have nien ill intensions, I am not here zoo hurt you.

Ruby: Y-Y/N?

The Storm Elite stopped, and then dropped his white 'flag'. Then unstrapped his gas mask, revealing it to be indeed, Y/N L/N.

Blake: Well... Look who it is...

Y/N: Fräulein Belladonna, please I have ni-

Y/N didn't have a chance to finish, an angry Yang blasted a Dust shell at Y/N, who on instinct, pulled out his DG-2 and compacting it into an energy shield. Blocking the attack with ease.

Y/N: Yang! Vat ze fuck!

Blake: You betrayed Ozpin! You betrayed us.

Reiben: You know this guy?

Y/N: Please I'm here vith very important information. Vital zo Remnants very survival. I promise I no lie.

This surprised Team RWBY, who became intrigued with what Y/N had to tell them.

Travers: Yeah, you'd think we'd believe your lyin' Nazi ass?

Ruby: Alright Y/N, if you truly do have information for us. Can you tell it to us now?

Y/N: Alright, so... How zoo I put zis? Our top scientist Dr. Richtofen has created... I zon't even know vat zoo call it.... I can only describe it as...

Y/N stuttered a bit, remembering the humongous explosion the Atomic Bomb caused on the Remnantian sea.

Weiss: What? What is it?

Y/N: Veapons from Hell itself...

Ruby: Weapons from Hell?

Y/N: I-it vas nozing like I'd ever seen before. Listen all of jou. Jou have zoo convince Ironwood zoo stop ze var.

Blake: Umm, Ironwood is continuing the war to stop you guys from completely taking over Remnant.

Y/N: ZERE IST NIEN OZER VAY! Und zere ist nien time. Jou need zoo take me zoo Ironwood as soon as jou can.

Yang: Well we just so happened to be heading back to Atlas. Ready to give Ironwood information on your little recycled concrete Beacon excuse.

Y/N: Leuchtfeuer Zitadelle? Of as jou Remnants say in English. 'Beacon Citadel'.

Yang: Pretty bad name... Is it meant to hold prisoners or something?

Y/N: Vatever zat ist beyond ze point. *whistles* Men! Jou can come out now!

Y/N's other squad members, Adalard, Vastilza, Hans and Alfonso stepped out from behind trees.

Reiben: So... 3 Germans, A Commie and an Eye-Tie... This day just got weird...


Ironwood had bags under his eyes due to amounts of work that he's had to do to build up every single man in the Atlesian army. Due to The Massacre of Shade, on the Now 'Vichy Vacuo'. Ironwood has had to strengthen Mistral's defenses, having had to send almost half the Atlesian army to hold their last Ally.

And the people of Atlas wern't doing as well either. Having had to be labourers to build up Atlas' defences on the southern beach, from a possible invasion from the Nazis. The once rich and valiant people of Atlas were having literally the worst possible time of the year.

Atlesian Soldier: Sir! Dog Green sector has been fortified! Defences are now in place SIR!

Ironwood: Good... Tell Jaques that I'll need a new shipment of Dust bullets.

Suddenly, the light turned off, the Atlesian soldier tried to turn it back on. But it didn't work.

Ironwood: What's happening?

Atlesian Soldier: Sir, that's what I was about to tell you to do. You forgot to pay your electricity bill.

Ironwood: *grunts and slumps over his desk*

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now