Chapter 5: Recalled

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I opened my eyes groggily to see myself in a large space, quickly looking around. Seeing nothing but grey all around me, was I dead? Was I in Limbo? I looked around again, trying to determine where I was before I saw someone else with me only 5-7 meters away. Some one with green Oak camouflage and a gas mask, I recognized him almost immediately.

Y/N: F-F/N?

F/N: Gutan tag Y/N, long time nien see.

I was shocked, he had been long dead since the Battle of Beacon. Seeing him here right now brought both misery & joy to me.

Y/N: H-how are jou here? I-I saw jou die in ze Grimm slime!

F/N: I'm here zo tell jou about jour actions, jour selfishness und jour greed have brought terror, fear und has thrown ze vurld of Remnant out of balance. I'm here to tell jou zat jou need to stop zis.

Stop this? But why? I've sacrificed so much just to end up in this position, 2nd in command of the SS, conquistador of Vale and now a huntsman.

Y/N: B-but vhy? Vat ist vith zis sudden change of morals?

F/N: I don't know, some guy who vas glowing a lot, und I mean alot! I could not see anyzing, told me zoo pass ze message onto jou. He called himself  'Ze Older Brother' or something like zat. *ponders* Anyvays, he tells me zo tell jou, zat you'll soon have zo choose paths, I don't really know vat zis means, I don't know but I guess you'll find out soon.

Then I felt myself slipping away, F/N just stood there as I tried to run back to him, but no matter how much I tried it was as if I was on a never ending conveyor belt. I soon was probably 50 yards away from him now, I was engulfed within a large light and awoke from my slumber.

Adalard: Mien Standartenführer! Ze Führer reqvests you zoo meet vith him und ozers back at Neu Deutschland.

I groaned, slipped and strapped on my gas mask, grabbed my DG-2, buttoned up my Waffen-SS uniform, wrapped my Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves & Swords on my neck and headed out.

Y/N: I vonder vat zat dream meant? Hmm, very vell, I'll probably find out later.

Alfonso: What dream?

Y/N: None of your business Italian.

Adalard: Mien Standartenführer, jour car ist vaiting. Ze Führer told jou zoo come as fast as possible.

Y/N: Ah, Ja ja, Danke Adalard.

Adalard: Nien Problem.

I stepped into the car as Adalard signalled the driver to step on it. The Rolls Royce began moving through the grassy plains of Vale as well as our motorcycle escorts.


While still trying to find the informant, Team RWBY, who were currently walking through a small forest decided to pass time and talk about funny events during their time in Beacon Academy, which definitely helped with the melancholy mood surrounding the air like a fog.

Yang: Y'know I don't really think that was really a 'Jaune-worthy' moment.

Ruby: I guess, but it really was funny how he just downright busted into the room and yelled 'Drink the nevermore wine! It's amazing, even Pumpkin Pete would agree. I see purple everywhere! Whooo!' *breaks down laughing*

Blake chuckled at the remembrance, since she clearly still had the thoughts of the hilarious event in her mind. Jaune Arc, high out of his mind, his eyes pulsating red, busting through the door, leaving a notable and comical silhouette of him with his arms up, and who could forget the rumblings of the engine in the distance. WAIT WHAT!?

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now