Chapter 9: The Weapon From Hell

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After riding the destroyer 'Viktoria' out into the Remnantian sea. The Nazi high command, including the smuggler Roman Torchwick prepped for the presentation Richtofen would give them with his Atomic Weapon. Y/N sat with Führer Fegelein as Richtofen sent a remotely-controlled platform containing the Atomic Weapon out into sea, approximately 10 kilometres away from their current position.

Richtofen: Zis vill be ze greatest veapon ever created in hunan history! Ve vill vin ze whole var vith zis!

Dietrich: I'm just waiting for zis 'veapon' to show itself. I cannot even see it! How are ve supposed zo see vat is does if ve cannot see it?

Roman: I'm starting to think that this is a waste of time... Don't you think Neo?

Neo nodded at this and opened her parasol to protect herself from the scorching sun, batting down on the people on the Destroyer.

Richtofen: Detonation remote ist primed und ready!

Fegelein: Finally...

Richtofen: Y/N vill jou do ze honors?

The doctor handed Y/N the detonator.

Richtofen: Just hit ze big red button in the middle.

Y/N with slight hesitation removed the cover, protecting the big red button and hitting it smack-middle.

Richtofen: Now ze fun begins...

Y/N and the other Nazi advisers watched as the vast blue horizon beyond, in a split-second became an orange hellish inferno. Y/N, in shock and utter horror dropped the detonator which shattered beneath his feet, Dietrich almost immediately lost his footing, Richtofen just simply marvelled at his creation, smiled and gave himself a pat on the back.

Y/N: Mein großer Gott!...

Fegelein: Astonishing... simply magnificent. Vell done doctor.

Dietrich: ...


Y/N: '*thinking* What is this

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Y/N: '*thinking* What is this... This superweapon straight from Hell itself? It's power uncontrollable in the hands of such arrogant individuals. This is not war... it's the apocalypse...

Richtofen: Vell vat zoo jou zink Y/N?

Y/N: *shakes head* Wha-? Oh yeah, zere gut Herr Richtofen! Zere gut.

Richtofen: Danke. Vonce ve can produce anozer von. Ve'll load it onto a V2 Rocket und goodbye Atlas! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Y/N zoned out, once remembering words from his father passed onto him from his brutal past experiences in World War I.

D/N: 'Dying from ze fires of hell ist von of ze vurst experiences a man can endure.'

Y/N in realization, snapped right back to reality. No innocents deserved to die by this weapon.

Y/N: *thinking again* This is what F/N meant when he said that I have to choose sides. This shouldn't even happen, we weren't even supposed to be here. So if F/N isn't really happy or whoever told him to say that to me, with what I did... Than why am I even doing this?'

Y/N made the choice in a longed mental battle of morals. On one side, is the nation he so greatly served, the other. Innocent lives that could be at risk due to this Devil's Weapon, that could possibly be saved.

Y/N: H-hey guys, this Nuklearwaffe... maybe we could halt the production. Und stop ze fighting, so ve von't risk ze Atlesians launching a counterattack.

This caused a slight pause among the Nazi command, almost all eyes reverted to the Colonel.

Fegelein: Jou can't be joking right Y/N? Ve are on ze verge of victory here! Und ven it ist vithin our reach. Und jou're suggesting to end ze var!?

Y/N: Ummm I.. The.. B-but I...

Dietrich: Jou're not plannig to grab that Schnellboat und run avay to Remnant's side are jou?

Y/N paused a moment, before speaking again.

Y/N: Nieeeeen... JA!

Y/N barrelled through the general and the Führer and made his way to the boats, dodging a blast from Melodic Cudgel.

Richtofen: Seize him!

Y/N socked an approaching SS soldier and leapt into the speedboat. He detached and let his boat fall into the water, speeding away as the Viktoria unsuccessfully tried to kill Y/N using it's anti-aircraft guns.

Fegelein: Scheissen! Curse you Y/N! You're a traitor zo ze vaterland!

Dietrich: Vhy are jou yelling? He's already gone.

Fegelein: Because zit makes me cool!

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now