Chapter 12: Defending the Village

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A/N: Who can translate what the Germans are saying? Anyways, enjoy the story!

Team RWBY along with the Militia hunkered down, preparing their weapons as they heard the indistunguishable sound of a tank motor echoing through the town. A militiaman began sweating and drew back the bolt on his Kar88k, aiming at where he thought the SS would appear. Russel prepped his daggers and knelt a little more into the trench fixing up his hair. in the distance, the tank's metallic creaking brought fear into the hearts of the defenders, as in the distance Ruby could now hear the Germans speaking with each other.

Major Chartl: Dort verstecken sich die Partisanen! Vorsprung! Jetzt vorrücken.

SS Soldier: Jawhol!

A distinct Tiger tank soon crawled into sight, passing the killbox street the defenders concieved. soon a halftrack also moved past, containing 20 soldiers.

Reiben: They're not taking the bait!

Travers: Hold position.

Suddenly, a second Tiger tank rolled into view, the tank commander ordering his crew to cease movement, staring at the seemingly empty street and headed into it... The killbox street.

Weiss: Here they come...

The Tiger was followed close behind by a handful but still many infantry, they shouted indistinguishable German to each other as they scanned the street.

Yang: Where's Todd with the explosives? They were supposed to go on by now.

As if perfectly on cue, Todd tuned the hellbox connected to the Comp B laid out on the streets, the street erupted with explosions, the infantry column behind the Tiger were killed in an instant. A Militiaman walked up to the unprotected Tiger tank and stuck some comp B onto it's wheel.

Militiaman: Get down it's gonna explode!

The tiger ceased movement as it's frontal wheel was blown off into oblivion along with the Militiaman who had wasted too much time warning, the tracks sulking down with nothing to support it. Yang then ran and leapt up onto the Tiger's frontal chassis, smashing her fist onto the war machine with a rising fury, the armor gave in at 6 punches and left a big hole in it's defenses. Militiamen along with Americans crawled all over the tank and one threw a grenade into the hole Yang punched into the frontal armor. Suddenly a trio of Germans pushed a mobile anti-aircraft weapon against the defenders.

 Suddenly a trio of Germans pushed a mobile anti-aircraft weapon against the defenders

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SS Gunner: Siehst du Amerikaner?

SS Gunner 2: Ja! Schießen Die Amerikaner!

Travers: Anti-aircraft! 20 millimeter take it out!

Reiben: Get some you fucks!

The German AA squadron approached quickly, and began to open fire, cutting down 3 or so men who were on the tank. One of which was American.

Ruby: Get out of there guys!

Ruby planted Crescent Rose into the ground and returned fire, causing the fragile 20mm gun to explode. the shards flying everywhere.


The first Tiger tank rounded around, the commander surveyed the damage around the city and heard the sounds of war from within the town.

SS Soldier: Was machen wir Herr Kommandant? Die Aufständischen töten uns alle!

Major Chartl: Hier ist Ihre Bestellung, nehmen Sie 50 Männer und umkreisen und greifen die Stadt aus dem Westen an!

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now