Chapter 18: Der Panzerzug

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Y/N, and his men were spared from jail time as Atlas hunkered down for more German air raids. Meanwhile, Team RWBY and Y/N opened the scroll, looking at what was currently within it.

The scroll displayed a map, showing plans for an Atlesian-Mistral assault on Vale from the East, which was where the least German forces were concentrated.

Y/N: Zese are plans... For an operation of an assault of Vale.

Hans: Zis gives us an opportunity, ze ozer Nazis vill be distracted by the initial assault. Und zat gives us a chance to grab the Nuclear bomb as zit ist being transported.

Yang: But we don't know how the Nazis will get it here.

Y/N thought about it for a while, before coming to a conclusion.

Y/N: Zey vill get it here by air. Talking Vytal island vas Germany's closest rput to air raids on Atlas. Vat jou saw zere vas just scouts. Ze bomb vill come from Vytal.

Alfonso: Meaning they-a might transport-a it through-a here.

The Italian suggested, pointing to Vichy Vacuo.

Team RWBY nodded at this, seeing the logic behind the theory.

Y/N: But! Beacon Citadel vill be a problem for Atlas on zere invasion. Zat ist also a target.

Adalard: But if ve go destroy it, ve vill miss ze chance to snag ze Nuclear Bomb.

Ruby: Oh I hate choices!

Weiss: Let's put it to a vote! Let's ask the readers what we should do.

Y/N: Readers? Vat readers? I see nien readers around here.

Vastilza: I see them, they're everywhere.

Alfonso: You're drunk-a Russian. Go home.

A/N: What objective should our characters do first? Capture the Nuclear Bomb? Or Destroy Beacon Citadel?


Vichy Vacuo, Southeastern Coast.

SS Soldier 1: Herr Fegelein! Err, HIEL!

SS Soldier 2: Ze Führer ist here!?

Fegelein: Silence, enough vith zat! Vere ist jour commanding CO?

SS Officer: Heil mien Führer. Vat ist jour purpose fur coming here on a night like tonight?

Fegelein: Ve are carrying precious cargo. Bound for Vytal. *turns around* Bring die Bombe heraus!

Four SS Soldiers rushed out of the Opel Blitz, carrying a huge crate, nailed shut and containing the words. 'Deutsche Wunderwaffe' The officer inspected it before looking at Fegelein seemingly surprised.

SS Officer: Ist it finally ready mien Führer?

Fegelein: Ja zit ist, take your best men, attach some train cars zoo jour Panzerzug! Ve need zo protect the Atomic bomb f rom insurgents.

SS Officer: I vill mien Führer. MEN! Rolle den gepanzerten Zug aus.

SS Soldiers: Jawhol!

Out rolled from the facility a a heavily armoured train, the Nuclear Bomb was placed in the car directly behind the Panzerzug. SS Soldiers were loaded on two previous cars, along with 3 flatbed cars containing Panzer IV vehicles.

Fegelein brought up a 6ft 7in tall German soldier, who was Wehrmacht affiliated. He had a distinct difference from the other soldiers. He wore a mouth gas mask, goggles, and wielded a red katana. His appearance dwarfed that of the other German soldiers.

Fegelein: Matthew, know zat jou are a pure defender of the German people. Zat jou guard ze ultimate veapon und ze final victory vith all jour might! Ze pover of Aura is on jour side, und jou. vill use it on anyvon zat tries to take the Nuclear Bomb.

Matthew: I vill mien Führer.

The Nazi huntsman stepped onto a flatbed car, and held onto a Panzer turret, as the train whistle sounded.

Train Driver: Lass uns gehen!

Once all the cargo was loaded, the Driver chugged forward, the Train's armoured plates reduced it's speed but it still moved like a beast.

Fegelein: Ze final hour draws near...

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now