Chapter 13: Defending the Village Pt. 2

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A/N: Might have to change this story's rating 'Mature' cause of Reiben XD

Blake ran to Ruby with a frantic message from Todd, who sighted Major Chartl's advance.

Blake: Ruby! Todd says that the platoon is encircling the town and trying to open a second front. How do we deal with this?

Ruby thought about it for a moment.

Ruby: Take Weiss and muster every single soldier you can, Remnantian or American. We can't let them take this town.

Blake nodded as she, Weiss and Russel moved to the westernmost part of the town and brought along Travers, Reiben and what remained of the Vale militia.

This left Ruby, Yang and Todd to defend their end of town, Todd laid down a 30. cal and fired burst after burst at the approaching infantry.

Todd: I need a vantage point! There's too much cover! I can't hit them, Ruby! I need you too! You'll be my sniper.

Ruby nodded and followed Todd into a wooden clocktower, leaving Yang to act as bait for the SS.

Todd: Help me set up the gun here.

Todd rambled, Ruby offered fire support for Yang with Crescent Rose, while Todd set up his bipod, and began firing bursts at the infantry.

Todd: My belt's short! I need more 30. cal!

Ruby: There's more but we left it on the other side of town!

Todd: Aw shit! This position will fall if we run out!


Militiaman: Rain hell on them!

Reiben along with another paratrooper fired a bazooka at the approaching halftrack, which exploded and went up in flames, engulfing the unlucky Germans that sat in the vehicle. Russel attacked any German that tried to rush the group with his daggers.

Russel: We need to flank these guys, take the 30. cal and bring it to that house over there, it'll be a good vantage point.

Russel ducked as loads of bullets were fired at him. Though an American along with a Faunus quickly dashed to the house and set up the machine gun, spraying at the Germans, The SS took cover and returned suppressing fire on the building.

SS Soldier: Diese Partisanen sind dumm! Holen Sie sich ein paar Männer und bekommen den Hit auf diese Maschinengewehr. Und verwandle mich zu Major Chartl, um sie von hinten zu überholen.

SS Soldier 2: Jawhol!

The first SS soldier retaliated with his MP40 and ducked as Blake fired off some dust rounds.

Within the house, the American and the Faunus tried their best to conserve ammunition for the 30. but it eventually jammed and the barrel fell out. The American gave the faunus his Colt as they both fired at the attacking German soldiers. The American finishes his Garand ammo up as he hears footsteps in an adjacent room.

Paratrooper Joe: Hello? Anyone there? Kyle?

Suddenly an MP40 stuck through the door and fired at the two, the paratrooper was killed but the Faunus dodged the fire and attacked the German. She tried her best but the larger more powerful SS soldier overpowered her and unsheathed his rusty Hitler Youth knife, the same one used to kill the huntsman who's aura now belonged to Colonel Y/N.

Faunus: P-please no! Don't!

Her words fell to deaf ears as the German didn't even know what she was saying. Nevertheless he pushed down with all his might, to which the Faunus could not counter with. The knife entered her lower chest as the German took the knife out and tried to aim for her heart, in order to kill her quicker.

Faunus: N-no I-I don't w-want to die!

SS Soldier 3: Hör fräulein, kannst du nicht gewinnen Ich werde es schnell machen, ich werde deine Schmerzen schnell beenden. Shhhhh.

The Faunus soon ceased writhing around as the knife entered her heart, and the German ended it in a violent twist. He sighed and got back up, sheathed the knife in his boot strap, leaving the room and the two dead bodies.

Yang's rounds were exhausted, and she resorted to hiding in the trench and beating any Germans to meat that tried to fight her. Todd was also not doing well in terms of ammunition, as he had eaten through his 30. cal fully and was firing at the enemy with what he had left in his pistol. He was oblivious to the German sniper aiming his scoped Gehwer 43 at him, when Todd rose his head again to attack, the sniper only had to fire once, Todd's body due to the sheer speed and force of the bullet, fell out of the tower and just a few feet away from Yang.

Yang: That's not good, I have to get help.

When Yang left her post, with her aura protecting her retreat from the German gunshots, she had no time to notice Major Chartl's Tiger round the corner, attempting to outflank the defenders.

Major Chartl: Bin ich zu spät gekommen Wo sind die Rebellen gegangen?

SS Corporal: Sie haben sich durch diese Avenue zurückgezogen, sie sind jetzt eingepackt, wir können sie überfluten und sie werden fallen!

Major Chartl: Gut gut, los los los!

The Rebels had driven off the initial assault on the streets, bot stopping to think that they could be regrouping into opening a new front.

Blake: Yang! Are you okay?

Yang panted while raising her mechanical hand in a thumbs-up impression.

Yang: I was overwhelmed, Todd's dead, he was hit by a sniper.

Reiben: Fuck! They still have more men? Jeez! What? Do they have cloning machines now? This is bullshit!

Travers: Judged on our state, we're combat ineffective! We can't hold onto this village for much longer! We have to retreat!

Ruby: But the village?

Russel: Ruby, he's right, there's simply too much Germans. We can't hold them all off for too long.

Suddenly, the defenders heard a motorized roar behind them. They turned to see a Tiger mounting the ridge behind them.

Paratrooper Kyle: TIGER!

Russel: Run!

Militiaman: OH MY OUM!

The Tiger hit the ground with a large and powerful WHAM! Crushing a good pile of Militiamen and two American paratroopers. Team RWBY and the remaining defenders, dashed out of the trenches as a whole squad of Germans waded just behind the Tiger.

Travers: The town is lost! Retreat! Retreat!

Militiaman: No! You guys go! We're defending our home to the last man.

The Americans along with the Huntresses looked at the last 9 Militiamen with shock.

Reiben: Are you fucking serious! The Krauts are swarming this shithole! They'll kill all who even try and throw a damn rock at them!

Militiaman: This is our home. You guys do your part to defeat these bastards.

Blake: Are you sure?

Militiaman 2: Go go! Now! They're getting closer!

Reiben: FINE! Look Corporal! I don't want those freakin' tanks runnin' me over! We gotta go!

Travers: Alright.

The American along with Team RWBY and Russel rushed out of the town as quick as they could. The Militiamen preparing their bolt-action Dust rifles as the Tiger tank closed in.

Major Chartl: Give up jou Partisans! Zis battle belongs zoo Germany!

Militiaman: Never!

The fighter fired his rifle, hitting the Major in the head, his body falling into the tank.

Driver: Fick dich! Du Abschaum!

The driver started up his engine, the Tiger tank lurched forward. The coax machine gun mowing down the desperate militiamen. Soon their resistance was crushed under the treads of the mighty Tiger. The Nazis claimed the town as their own, and stormed the hospital. Gunning down any resistance they sought to find.

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now