Chapter 21: Battle for the Airfield

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Y/N decided that the Atomic Bomb would be transported to the nearest airfield, the nearest one currently was at Vacuo's eastern seaboard. Which was where the ACTUAL Nuclear Bomb was. Meanwhile, The British platoon, Atlas and Mistral had begun their joint invasion of Vale, which currently ran at a stalemate a few miles from the beaches.

Vale, eastern coast

British Lieutenant: Do you even know what artillery is! You dimwits!?

Winter: Well excuse me, we were focused on destroying giant monsters, not little dust-bastard men.

British Lieutenant: mutters*
Explains why you've lost every battle... I mean sending airships to attack a fortification meant to destroy aircraft. What stupidity.

Winter caught the sound of Mortar sells in the distance calling a warning for every single soldier there, Allied soldiers scattered across the field, attempting to avoid the barrage. whilst a squadron of halftracks approached their positions.

British Lieutenant: You've never even heard of trenches?

Back at Vacuo...

Fegelein: Get zis zing loaded up! I vant zis var over! Und nozing vill schtop us!

Matthew: Jou heard him men! Los los los!

The cart containing the atomic machine, which the ominous words painted with white paint onto it's sides. 'Kapitulation? NEIN!' was pushed towards the advanced Amerika bomber prototype, which was standing by for it's deployment, once it was airborne would bring Germany to it's victory.

Y/N: *whispers* Zere ist ze bomb!

Yang: This is way too easy...

Weiss: Hiding behind transport crates is not the greatest idea, but it's a good one.

Ruby: There is that Nazi huntsman we encountered. Should we take him first, before grabbing the bomb?

Y/N: Nien, jou vill be ze distraction, I'll wire up ze Comp B und destroy zat zing vonce und fur all.

Ruby: But what if they focus their attention to you?

Y/N: Vell... I don't know. Left's just hope zat doesn't happen.

Blake: Sounds like a good plan if it goes right, alright let's do it.

Y/N laid low as the rest of his team commenced their attack, Alfonso dashing to the dunes of Vacuo to snipe unsuspecting soldiers, uttering Italian biblical phrases while at it.

Alfonso: Dio mi guiderà in guerra.

He fired once, hitting a nearby Nazi officer. Whilst Führer Fegelein dashed for cover behind the Nuclear Bomb itself. An SS soldier smacked his hands on a button, which raised the alarm, while also spouting Nazi propaganda from the loudspeakers.

Propagandist: *over speaker* Wissen Sie, dass Sie in sicheren Händen sind, die deutsche Armee wird Sie sicher halten.

Adalard: Typical...

Propagandist: Die alliierten Soldaten kontrollieren, wiedererobern! Wir werden es nicht zulassen!

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