Chapter 10: Defence of the Village

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A/N: Now I know some of you are disappointed that you're now leaving the Nazis and helping Remnant, and you'll all probably hate me :(. But it was for plot reasons (There'll be an interesting story I promise you) in this chapter is something that'll probably cool your fury down.

Team RWBY, the Militia and the Americans do their best to bolt up the village for defence for the upcoming storm, giving all assisting militiamen every scrap of ammunition and dust to spare.

Todd was placed in the tower, with the 30. cal, but he also had the duty of placing Comp-B in the 'Killbox Street' which is where a few Militia would lure the Germans to an explosive surprise.

Travers: I need more Comp-B over here.

Todd: I'm sparin' all I got corporal, the boys are eager to fight, the Militia not so much.

Ruby: Maybe if we hide the Militia in the houses and not in the trench with us, than maybe we might have a chance against the Nazis.

Reiben: Girl's got a point.

Travers: Yeah, I guess. Could give us a chance against the Storm Elites

Todd: Sir?

Travers: Nazi Storm Elites, nasty bastards. Had to kill a lot of them, tough-as-nails. They killed a lot of my men during Operation Varsity, and the 82nd Airborne's raid on the Flak tower.

Ruby: Do they wear gas masks.

Travers: Yeah, how's it you suspect that?

Ruby: Well...

Yang: My sis likes one of em'.

Travers just looked at Ruby with confusion, and a wide-eyed surprised expression.

Travers: I-I have no words.

Ruby: Look Yang, please stop.

Yang: Alright alright, I'll let you admire your Nazi boyfriend.

Ruby: GRRRR!

Travers: Whoa there ladies, break it up.

As Travers separated the two would-be fighters, Blake stepped in and also helped, Travers thanked her as Ruby gave Yang an 'I'm watching you' gesture, and walked away.

Blake: So, you fight the Nazis right?

Travers: Yeah, We're Americans.

Blake: What have they done to become your enemy?

Todd: You think? Conquering almost the entire continent of Europe and subjugation of entire lands proves otherwise.

Blake grimaced at this, knowing just how powerful the Nazis were during their time on Earth. Now they were here, Vale and Menagerie are under their control, who knows what else they'll do?

Travers: Anyways, the Comp-B is almost ready so w-

Travers silenced as he heard a distinct sound, a distant roaring of engines. Every single defendant paused whatever they were doing and looked up at the direction of the sound, knowing what is to come later.

Ruby: It's time.

Yang: Time to kick Nazi ass!

Back on New Germany

Dietrich: Ze traitorous Y/N vill be dealt with soon. Have ze SS on Vale search for him. He'll have gone zere.

Fegelein: Perfect, now. About ze Afrika Korps portal research base...

Richtofen: I'm in contact vith ze Sgt of ze base right now. Ze Afrika Korps rmenants vill be here soon.

Dietrich: Our invasion of ze Kingdom of Vacuo vill be a swift blow. Ze Allies vill never know vat hit zem.

Goebbels II: Ze 10th und 14th SS are ready for deployment. 11th Fallschrimjäger are also ready for ze drop. We've also recruited 300 Faunus soldiers for this campaign.

Fegelein: Perfect, vhen ist ze Afrika Korp's estimated time of arrival?

Dietrich: 2 Days, Mien Führer.

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