Chapter 3: New Clique

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Vale Plains...

With the Grenadiers formation striding just behind the halftracks, Y/N and Adalard scouted the plains relying on an old map recovered from Beacon Academy's ruins with speaks of an Emergency Dust Reserve hidden somewhere in this area. Y/N looked at the map again and signalled the battalion to stop.

Y/N: Ve can rest now! Ve move out again in 1 hour!

The battalion settled down as Y/N pulled up a rock and placed the map down.

Y/N: I cannot read zis schiesse! Maps are so confusing!

Adalard: If I may Colonel, The area ve are in ist here.

Y/N: Vat! No, ve passed zat a half hour ago.

Adalard: Dummkopf jou cannot read maps for schiesse.

???: Umm, I can read maps.

The two Germans looked behind them to see an Italian Blackshirt, holding a Kar98k with a scope attachment.

Y/N: Jou're an Italian... How ze heck did jou get here.

Alfonso Pento: Alfonso Pento sir, I was-a fighting in-a Russia with the 8th Italiano Army, I was dying in the-a winter and soon I saw a bright-a light and soon, I was here.

Y/N: Curious... Vell, can jou read zis map?

Alfonso: Yeah I can-a. Umm, it-a says here that... You are 2 kilometres off-a course. And-a the right way is...that-a way.

Adalard: Vhoa... I like zis guy.

Y/N: Jou make a good teammate Private. Pento.

Alfonso: Thank-a you sir

Y/N: Y'know, vhy don't jou ride vith us in ze halftrack. As thanks for jour vurk.

Alfonso: I an thankful-a colonel.

Hans: Heil Standartenführer L/N!

Y/N: Vat ist it you need private?

Hans: Ve have received enemy fire from insurgents from a nearby forest. Do ve engage sir?

Y/N: Destroy zem! Get ze mortars ready, and signal the Tigers to fire!

Hans: Jawhol Sir! Private Hans of the Wehrmacht, I am a transferred unit!

Y/N: Zat's gut to hear. Now onwards mien truppen! Für Deutschland!

Y/N and the gang arrived at the scene just as the mortars were being installed.

Soldier: Elevation 85 degrees! Fire!

The second soldier dropped the mortar round into the tube as it was launched with a loud THUMP!. Exploding onto the ground a good 40-50 yards away. This was followed by the dozens of other mortars.

Y/N: Send ze tanks! Troops follow 9 meters behind!

The tank commander for Tiger 23 nodded and signalled his driver.

Tank Commander: Schtart her up Stephan!

Stephan/Driver: Jawhol mien kommandant!

The Tiger tanks lurched forward, the bow gunners began squirting the treeline with MG bullets, when the Tigers were within 10 meters of the treeline, the troopers started forward with the Storm Elites including Y/N acting as shields, Y/N blasted a rebel to shreds with his DG-2 and since no one would see, smiled under his gas mask as he did it. Knowing that he was doing his deceased friends a big favour.

Pretty soon the Panzergrenadier division sacked the remaining rebels and resumes their journey to the secret dust depositary.

RWBY Fanfic • |War for Remnant| Book 3 In The N.I.R SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now