🐥Paradise pt.2🐥

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"s-sir we've made it to your destination." J grumbled, waking up from his slumber "doll wake up." and when you didn't respond quick enough, J pushed you roughly causing you to wake up startled "what the fuck?!" you screamed, J rolled his eyes "come on we are here." you turn toward the small window in the jet and saw beautiful rippling tides of blue, staining the sand with it's wetness, the sun beaming brightly and colorful birds migrated the land...this scenery was completely opposite of Gotham.

You gasped "J come on let's go!" you ran outside forgetting everything, "(Y/n) get some fucking clothes on!" J screamed but you was to busy admiring the land, so J grabbed his and your f/c swim wear and told the pilot to follow him (of course that was followed by a series of threats.) and when J stepped out he had to admit it was an upgrade from Gotham but then again there is no place like home.

J grumbled some more "why is it so damn sunny?!" you rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag out of J's hand and pulled out sunscreen and quickly applied it on J's skin "what the fuck are you doing?! I don't want that on me!" J snatched the bottle out of your hand throwing it to the ground "J, stop being a baby!" you yelled and grab the sunglasses you stole for J, "put these on." J looked at them "no." you signed "but it will make you look more gangsta...right mr. pilot?" the pilot man nodded his head rapidly, causing J to cave in "fine give me them...but princess you already know I don't need sunglasses to make me look 'gangsta'." he put them on and started to undress in front of you and the pilot man. (Of course you guys turned your heads.)

"So what's ya name I don't wanna keep calling you mr. pilot." the pilot man look at you for a moment then turned his attention to his feet "my name is Willis Henry." you nodded "you don't look like a Willis, so how about Willy since we did share a bonding moment together!" the man look at you as if you was insane "you had sex in front of me! and your boyfriend threaten to kill me and everyone I love!" you look at him in mock hurt while holding your heart. "but that's in the past can't we just move along and let that shit go!" he glared "no!" you glared back "fine! be that way...and to think I was going to let J keep you alive!" his evil glared quickly was replaced by fear "I-I'm sorry miss please forgive my rudeness!" you rolled your eyes "fine I will forgive ya...only if you take pictures of me and my baby~" he nodded "a-anything for you."

Finally J got finished getting dressed in his very colorful Hawaiian shirt and purple swim shorts, you glance over and wolf whistle "you looking sexy babe!" J turn around wiggling his non existent eyebrows "ya like what ya seein~" J asked. You giggled "always...but it looks even better when there's nothing on ya~" J laughed "don't tempt me princess, now put your clothes on."

You saluted in mock enthusiasm "aye aye captain!" you put on your f/c swim suit and started to surveilling the tropical scenery , turning your head you saw something in the distance that caught your eyes "ohh~ J look at that!" you ran over into the jungle abandoning your green haired lover.

"Y/N! get yo ass back here!" J scan the area trying to find any sign of you but you were no where in site. where the fuck did she go?! and how did she get away so fucking fast?! damn her curiosity! I told her to stay close to me! she knows the fucking rules! that little brat is so going to be punished! I looked around waiting for her to come back but she didn't and no one makes me fucking wait!

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!" I snatched pilot boy and started searching the direction in where she ran to and we found a huge cliff at the end of the island oh no oh no! this can't be?! you stupid stupid clown, how could you let her go?! I should have grabbed her! damn it!  I yelled out in frustration and pulled on my hair, frantically look for clues on where my princess may be, I walked over to the edge examining the area.

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