😢 When your depressed 😢

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Trigger warning- if you guys are ever feeling sad or upset please talk to someone close to you, you shouldn't struggle on your own.There are people who love you out there, don't let depression blind you I know it's hard but I believe in you.

-You didn't understand how such a good day turned so bad...but it did, so here you are laying on the bed thinking the worse possible thoughts and as badly as you wanted to cut your mind off, you couldn't.

-Self hate.




-Thoughts of death.

-Self harm.

-You hated when moments like these came back cause it was like having a silent war with yourself, fighting to win a battle that your tired of.You just wanted to hibernate till these feelings pass away but life doesn't work out like that.

-So now you feel weak and pathetic for even thinking such thoughts.

Without even noticing Y/n saw the Joker sitting besides her with a look of...concern?

"Who did that to you doll? does Daddy need to kill someone for you princess?" He rasped while caressing your head.

You smiled trying to mask your pain, "I'm fine J but what are you doing back from your buisness trip?" 

"Don't fucking lie to me Y/n!" he yelled, making your already shitty emotions worse.

"Now tell me what's wrong?"

You shook you head trying to stop the tears from falling, "I-I d-don't know I was having s-such a great day and there's always bullshit hat comes around and ruins e-everything." She sobbed, causing the Joker to pull he in an embrace.

"Shh shh daddy's got you, don't worry." he kissed your forehead, wishing his baby girl would stop crying.

"I'm so useless and ugly J, how can you stand being with me?!" she exclaimed, choking on her words.

-The Joker grabbed her face forcing her to look at him, "did you ever hear me call you those things?" 

You nodded 'no'

"Ya wanna know what's ugly and useless doll? this nonsense your spouting...you are my queen and I pick nothing but the best." He wiped your tears with his thumb.

"Now are you telling me that I have horrible taste in women?" without even knowing you giggled slightly.

"Maybe you do, for having such a dysfunctional girl like me." she said, while smiling sadly.

"Just the kind of personality I look for in a woman." he cackled, pulling you closer to his bare chest making you relish in this close contact.

"Now how about a date night? just me and you at the finest restaurant in this shitty city."

You looked up at your green haired bae with admiration, "you'd do that for me?"

He flicked your forehead gently, "you must be delusional cause you know I'd do anything for you baby girl." he purred, while taking your lips in a passionate kiss.

"Your such a charmer J~" you punch his arm gently.

"I know doll, now get dressed~"

 When you finally got dressed, you and J saw Jonny waiting by the van, making it obvious the trusted henchmen snitched and told J what you was going through cause Jonny was the only one you would confide in when you felt sad.But you wasn't mad at him cause he save you from the mental drowning.

-The rest of the night of the dinner date J told you jokes, aimlessly talk about his crime life, Batman, and his times at Arkham.You knew he was trying to keep you occupied with more happier thoughts and you appreciated all his help and support.

-Dinner date of course was cut short since Batman came to 'save' the day and even though you was mad you couldn't lie...Batsy almost left you starstruck.

-Being as this was the first time you seen him in person, I know crazy as it sounds J never got you involved in his life cause he said he didn't want past mistakes to ruin what you two had.

-Coming back home you got the clown fam to come over to watch Shameless season 8 and of course J didn't like sharing but seeing you so happy he couldn't say no...for now.

-Pandaman brought the popcorn to you, sitting back down on the recliner.

-Jonny said besides you, immediately causing J to sit you on his lap, already not enjoying his goons company.

-And for the rest of the night the Clown Fam was laughing, cracking jokes and having the greatest time of there life, so good Y/n snuck a pic to commemorate.That of course she will sen to Batsy on the holidays.  

"Can they spend the night J?"

*J glares daggers at you*

*You give him puppy dog eyes*

"Pretty pretty please J."

Damn she's good.

"Fine...but! if any of you fucks even touch my princess, you. will. pay."

*Clown fam sweats*

"Aw sheeit J don't scare them, we are suppose to be having fun!"

"Yeah, how about I pick a game for us doll~"

Oh no.... *clown fam gulps*

You clapped excitedly, "that's the spirit J, let's have some fun."

And of course J picked the most violent game making you ultimately have to choose the classic tag game and J made it impossible for the Clown fam to catch you with his 'no touching you rule'.

But at least J was able to put a smile on his girl's face.

Author's note (please read)

Hey guys I know my one shots have been short these past couple of days but my lack of motivation to do anything these days have been a bitch, I laid in bed all day yesterday feeling like a damn zombie in the walking dead.And I won't lie to you I may not be writing a long one shot until this feeling pass, but I will continue to try and write for you guys cause you have been my biggest inspiration through moments like these, so once again if anyone going through depression your not alone and please please if things get to hard don't end your life call this hotline 1-800-273-8255 or please speak to someone close to you, you don't have to go through this alone. I <3 you guys, until then.

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