🙃 Disturbed 🙃

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Warning: violence.

It's been 6 months since you have been stuck in this cell, you have been trying your very best to stay strong, hoping that J would come for you, but months has pass and there was no signs of J coming for your rescue.Each day you blamed yourself for getting caught, if only you had listened to J.

That day you decided to going out to buy groceries for you and J for a intimate dinner date at home, so you snuck out of the penthouse, thinking you could handle this little journey to the super market without J's annoying goons following behind you, and everything went smoothly until you was on your way back home and Batman warned you to come with him to Arkham asylum quietly.Of course you refused and tried to fight him which ultimately ended in you getting knocked out and brought to this asylum of the criminally insane.Ever since then this place was a hell hole.Batman brought you here to lure out J and to get you 'help' for you 'unhealthy' relationship with J but J wasn't abusive or cruel to you anymore, he knew you was a innocent girl so he didn't force you to be a criminal and you didn't force him to change, he just wanted your love and affection as much as you wanted his.So why couldn't people understand that? it's not illegal to fall in love.

You was currently laying on your bed in fetal position, when a guard unlocked your cell door "get up, it's time for your session with your doctor." he demanded.You backed away shaking your head 'no' frantically, he walked over to your cowering form "get your ass up!" he grabbed you, and you try to fight him but he over powered you and pulled you out of your cell, bringing you to that devil you call Hugo Strange.

You clawed at him and screeched "I don't wanna go! let me go!" you knew that doctor was going to torture you again just like the other times, but each time you came back to his office he had a new way of playing with your mind.As soon as you was getting closer towards his office, you felt yourself panic "p-please, I don't wanna go in there!" you begged but the guard ignored your cries and slammed you in the chair, strapping your neck, arms, and legs to the chair.You couldn't move and you knew that bastard had something planned for you today and it didn't seem good. "What is going on! get this off me!" you glared at the guard, who started to leave the room "hey get back over here you dip shit! what is this?!" you screamed but he ignored you, so you started to look at your surrounding nervously and notice this room was different.Wait, this room doesn't look familiar at all, what is this place? what exactly is this doctor planning to do to me? I m panicking, I can't take no more of those injections...it's makes my brain feel weird.I can't take anymore of that torture, he calls therapy.All he is doing is trying to break me.That bastard doesn't seem to care about my health, all he wants is a test subject.I've gotta be strong until J gets me, then the pain will go away and everything will be alright.

"Good morning Y/n, I hear you was giving the guard a bit of trouble, is everything okay?" you thoughts was interrupted when you heard Hugo, you shot him a hateful glare, trying to get out of the restraints and just wrap your hands around his throat, squeezing it until the fucker gasp his last breath."Cut the crap, you don't give a shit about me!" you yelled, watching cautiously as he pulled a chair up in front of you, "Y/n that's were your wrong I care about all my patients." he said in a calm tone, that seem to piss you off even more "I'm not your fucking patient, I don't deserve to be here, I'm not insane and this is illegal!" you yelled.He stared at you for awhile as if he was analyzing you"you are sick, but worry not we will cure you of  your sickness and you'll be on the road towards recovery."

"Why do you keep saying that?! I'm not sick!" he shook his head "of course you are, I couldn't imagine the pain you must have endure being with the Joker, seeing all those murders happening right in your very eyes, his explosive temper that always seems to be directed towards you, all those bruises you must've had, the mental torture you endure when he kidnapped you and your family...oh your poor family, he killed them in cold blood and made you watch as he tortured them. All just because of his obsession for you."

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