⌛ Penny for your memoir ⌛

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Wearing:swearing and fluffy.

"Slow down Liam!"

Kimberly scolded her son, as they made there way through the hospital halls.

"Remind me why we're still visiting this old coot again?" Her husband questioned, with a face of displeasure.

"Don't talk shit about my mother, Zac." Kimberly warned with a stern look and tone, "and besides you know how Liam gets when he can't see his grandmother.So just do it for him, hm?" she said with a slight teasing smile.He groaned dramatically, but gave her a lopsided smile and nodded.

"Thanks." she said softly and took her husband's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

As they finally got to her room, Liam hurriedly open the door with a big grin.

"Granny!" he yelled happily.

The elderly woman turned her head from the window and smiled at her grandson, opening her arms.The seven year old boy scurried to her bed, getting in it to give her the biggest hug."Oh my, you've grown so much from the last time I saw you." Y/n kissed the crown of Liam's head, looking up she saw her daughter and son in law by the doorway of her room.

"Hi ma." Kimberly walked up to Y/n and gave her a side hug, due to the fact Liam was snuggled close to his grandma.Y/n kissed her daughter cheek, "I'm glad you came to visit me, I haven't seen you in awhile."

"I know, it's just been so chaotic with trying to juggle work and Liam." Kimberly pulled up a chair by her mother's bed side.

"Be honest Kimmy, I know it's your husband's doing for you not visiting me very often." Y/n turned her glare to her son in law with a judging look.

Zachery sighed and pulled a sit up by his wife, "hello to you as well, mother in law." he said sarcastically.

Kimberly coughed awkwardly, "So ma, how are they treating you here? There not mistreating you, right?" she asked worriedly.

"No not necessarily, but there very rude and don't seem to care much about the patient's needs or happiness." she huffed, while absentmindedly stroked Liam's hair.

"I'll make sure to talk to there superior before I go."

Y/n nodded, "Tell me how's your life been going.Last time we've talk I believe you've got a promotion, right?"

"That was a year ago ma, remember I told you we had to move to LA and I got a transfer since then." Kimberly shifted uncomfortably.

It was hard to see her mother struggle to remember, cause one moment everything seemed fine with her and then just like a switch she'd forget.Kimberly's mother symptoms started out as simply forgetting new information and small matters.Till she started to become more progressively worse to the point her daughter became concerned that her mother may end up harming herself unintentionally or wander off, while she wasn't with her.Kimberly decided it was time to take her mother to the doctor where they gave her the diagnoses of Alzheimer's.As much as her daughter would've love to keep her mother at home with her, she couldn't, so she sent her to a nursing home.Both Zachary and Kimberly's work schedule was demanding and Liam was already a full time job.

"Oh?" Y/n said slightly confused, there was a moment of silence before the boy chimed in.

"Granny you promised me you'd tell me stories about grandpa and you, the next time I visit." he looked up at her with a pout on his lips.

She chuckled softly, "I did, huh?" He nodded fiercely to her response.

"How about we switch up the pace and go to the place my husband made it official?"

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