🗡Betrayal pt. 2 🗡

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I locked my heart once again.

The once happy life I had turned into a facade.

All the pieces that we built together, fell apart so easily.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew I wanted him to suffer just the way I had, some may say revenge is petty but I gave him 5 years of me just so he can have a fling.I was hurt, confused and lost, J was all I thought I had but that was wrong I had people who cared about me, those who knew J would do this to me and of course I pushed them away for bad mouthing J, when all along they was right! I feel like a fool! an absolute idiot! 

It took only one to infiltrate the system of what we called love, and they corrupted it.

I was a strong women but felt weakened in your bondage and web of lies.

So what is left of me?

Tears blurred your vision as you drove your car, you went to the only house that knew first hand what is was like being with the Joker, he was your childhood friend, the one you gave up just to lead a life of crime for the man you loved, the only regret you had was dragging him into your life choices and because of your selfish actions, you almost made him loss his life.Feeling guilty you cut all ties with him, till now. You felt even worst for barging back into his life but you needed someone to help you, bring you back to the strong girl you used to be, and the only one who know how to help you was Jonny Frost.

I should have known the moment I played this game of love, I was going to lose.

So why did I play in the first place?  why did I get my hopes up.

When all knew the outcome, I was too blind to see.

Nothing will ever be the same, nothing will ever feel the same, nobody will ever compare to you.

You were supposed to be mine alone, I never said I wanted to share you, so why?

You finally arrived to Jonny's home, that's on the outskirts of Gotham. You parked your car and walked up to the front door, taking a deep breath you gather enough courage to knock on his door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Jonny...It's Y/n." you croaked out, while looking down at the ground.

Jonny swung the door open in shock to see you at his door step, it's been five years since he had last seen you. "Y/n what are you doing here? is everything okay?" Jonny looked at you with worry cause he had never saw you look this broken, so something must had happened.

You looked up at Jonny's prosthetic hand and guilt hit you hard as you started to remember what caused Jonny to lose his hand in the first place, you started sobbing again, "I'm so sorry Jonny, It's all my fault! if I wasn't so selfish." Jonny embraced you barely understanding what you was saying from your crying and mumbles, he pulled you inside his home and sat you on his sofa. You hugged him even tighter as he patted your head in a comforting way "shhh, it's okay Y/n, everything will be alright." you couldn't stop bawling, your heart felt like it was shattered in pieces, you gave your absolute everything to him so why did he go back to Harley? was she that charming? or was being with you boring? why did you feel so worthless, when it wasn't even you that cheated on him?! your heart and mind was in shambles.All the questions you wanted to ask J didn't even come out of your mouth, you wanted to cuss him out, to hurt him just as much as he hurt you and kick him to the curve, but on the other hand you wanted to run back into his strong arms, hearing his honey dipped voice whispering sweet nothings to you and everything would be fine all over again but those toxic lies is what brought you to rock bottom.

Jonny's POV

After a couple of more minutes of crying Y/n finally stop but she looked even worse off then before! her face looked so lost and dazed, she didn't even look like the girl I remembered.I wanted to ask her what happened but I don't think I will be getting a response any time soon, so I took this opportunity to go to the bathroom and get the sleeping pills I had kept in the cabinet and I brought her some water with it.

"Here this will help you get some rest." she looked up at me with her blood shot red eyes and grabbed the pill, popping it in her mouth, she took a big gulp of water and laid down on the sofa "Y/n, I want you to lay on my bed." I offered but her being stubborn, she stayed on the sofa.So I went back upstairs to get her a blanket and a pillow to find her fast asleep, I guess today's events really tired her out, I carefully laid the blanket over her body and put the pillow under her head, I decided to take a sit on my recliner, cause I wasn't planning on leaving Y/n by herself while she looked so depressed. After taking in Y/n's features, I looked over at my electric clock.

5:21 AM.

I sighed and leaned my head back in the chair, no longer feeling tired, only worried.I wondered what happened? it must have be bad for her to come to me for help..I mean she avoided me for 5 years, I knew why she stop talking to me, it's cause she thought she was the blame for my hand but she's not the blame I made the conscious choice to be by her side.I let are relationship fail when she started distancing herself from me, cause I thought she would be happy with him and didn't need to be burdened by her guilt, but now that's she's back I promise I will never let her go again.

Author's note

Hey~ I wasn't planning on making this into a mini series (but since you guys did vote) , ideas came into my head and I just let my fingers do the work.I didn't want the story to go with the reader just forgiving the Joker for what he has done, I wanted to have a lot of twists in this mini series.I'm not going to lie I would've posted this two days ago but I felt it was missing something but I think it's good now.

Please vote if you want this series to continue, cause it will let me know if I'm doing good, thanks :D

Cote- comment and vote, don't be a ghost!

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