Top 5 Female Names That I Find Funny:
1. Antoinette ( for some reason )
2. Helen ( no one knows )
3. Coleen ( idfk but maybe because it sounds like cholera )
4. Denise ( is this the name of a duck )
5. Marianne ( it sounds like "shrimp" or what )
Top 5 Male Names That I Find Funny:
1. Anthony ( i will never stop laughing when i meet someone with the name of anthony )
2. Frederick ( it was okay back then but now )
3. Randolph ( sounds like a reindeer )
4. Alex ( meh just sounds silly )
5. Russell ( jack russell terrier lol )
Top 5 Words People Insulted Me With As A Kid:
1. Pig/Piggy ( aye memories i will slay that b-- )
2. Pork Adobo ( im food im food look idk if this is because of my appearance or because of my most common food for lunch )
3. Ugly ( well pretty much a common insult )
4. Giant ( titans )
5. Elephant ( i agree on this one i could literally step on all of them good thing i didn't )
Top 5 Words People Complimented Me With As A Kid:
1. Smart ( cough )
2. Tall ( coughing again )
3. Kind ( believe it or not, i am
I am
I really am )
4. Songbird of blah blah university ( well )
5. Cool ( shrugging tbh i am not fond of this word )
Top 5 Words People Insulted Me With As Me Now (lol)
1. Fat ( atleast im not a pig anymore )
2. Blind ( this hurts so much )
3. Nerd ( im not even )
4. Future NEET ( says my sister )
5. Slut ( lol of course of course in this day and age )
Top 5 Words People Complimented Me With As Me Now (lol)
1. Lit ( idk what this means but someone told me it was a compliment so ok then )
Top 5 Thing I Used To Do As A Kid:
1. Chess ( sigh )
2. Draw ( like every minute you'd find a bond paper with scribbles )
3. Run ( the reason why i stopped running shall never be revealed cackle cackle )
4. Sing ( lol i always did i grabbed every opportunity but then eagle 1 and eagle 2 came into my life and-- )
5. Cry ( humiliating enough but meh it's in the past so here )
Top 5 Things I Never Did As A Kid:
trashcan (literal trash)
Non-FictionYou will lose your faith in humanity if you read this. *grabs a Connie Springer* ((last few chapters were written in a not-so-good phase of mine, sooo...))