Searching For Despair ( oneshot . . . ? )

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I thought of trying to write BokuAka, but it's probably going to be REALLY REALLY REALLY AWAKWARD so nope. IDK WHY, I JUST HAVEN'T FAMILIARIZED MYSELF WITH BOKUTO AND AKAASHI, SO I'M LIKE. . . "Can't write about them so sorry other fans i just can't don't sue me for not being able to write about a good ship sorry i know no one raised me to not be able to write bokuaka but".

So this will be about a ship which was once my shippy ship but now is just a normal ship. Presenting KuroTsuki *bows* and it will be a hell lot of OOC but oh well *bows again and forehead hits the table*


"Sir, you're crazy."

A civilian, whom Kuroo Tetsurou labeled as 'nameless #1', looked at him with wariness and disdain as she walked away while shaking her head slightly. The woman walked away from the dark-haired highschooler, leaving him following her form that was getting farther with a confused look in his irises.

As he whipped his head around to ask the other individual who he had seen from his peripheral vision a little while ago, the man had also started to back away in a stealthy manner. There were no other people in the large street, and there weren't any other cars besides the green and the white vans parked at the side of the road.

Letting out a sigh, Kuroo folded his arms infront of him. He looked up at the buildings that towered over his frame, casting a shadow upon the tranquil asphalt that seemed nothing more than a ghost town's passage to him.

Around ten minutes ago, he was resting inside the clubroom of the volleyball team run by his current highschool; Nekoma. He was pretty sure there weren't any disturbances or changes in the atmosphere and the air's humidity was just as high as it always is somewhere in summertime. He didn't sense any signs of a decreasing temperature before the surroundings suddenly started to emit colder wind all too unexpectedly.

In no time, he found himself transported in the middle of an empty road. The buildings and the design of the roads were very similar to that of Tokyo, but there were things that have been tweaked a wee bit in different aspects. Firstly, there was the emptiness. The streets of Tokyo were always busy, but this one was lifeless. Though he couldn't brush the feeling of eyes watching him make every decision, away.

There were also a lot more trees on the sidewalk, and the buildings were free of peeling paint and graffiti. They were all just pure white, and clean, and free of any signs of desecration.

But that didn't matter now.

He needed someone to explain to him whatever was happening at this very moment. He was pretty sure he wasn't dreaming. He was fully awake. He wasn't even bored or sleepy when he was back there in the stuffy clubroom because he was with his other teammates who gathered for a summer outing. If he'd start thinking the way a child infected with the eighth grade syndrome would, he didn't die, and he was even less likely to be in heaven.

He did believe in the theory of the mirroring worlds and parallel realms as he have read about all of the new conclusions on scientific studies, but if he was indeed transferred into the haven of a candidate counterpart, it would be impossible for it to have no stated reason at all. And out of all the fantasies he'd been thinking of, it was the most imprudent thought that could ever cross his mind.

As he started skimming the area to gather even a bit of intel and probably to help him keep a cool head, the sound of clanging metal and several scraping noises reached his range of hearing. Then there was a thud, followed by something being dragged on the rough, bumpy road. Curiosity taking over caution, he tried to pinpoint the location of the source. It brought him to an alley, along with the sight of a blonde individual dragging his own body through the ground.

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