• 30-day challenge • day 24 •

23 3 0

i am finally back from my long ass hibernation and i am here, once more, to ruin your brain cells and shove your eyes to the backs of your heads with my shitty outlooks. here we fuckin' go.




... this is honestly the weirdest fucking question i've been asked. like, i would have had easy answers for this back then but in my current phase of being a shit emo kid and all or whatever the fuck is out there, i don't think this'll come in easy without me having to browse a whole goddamned DICKtionary. but i'm not gonna do that right now because i'm too tired to get up and turn the light switch on.


√ "what do you think you're gonna be in ten years?" because, bitch, me be dead by then u fucking nigger (pronounce as "knee-gur" pls) also, this is a sentence but oh well.

√ "bonjour" for a number of reasons. one of them is because it reminds me of tsukiyama shuu and another is because of people who get aroused when someone fucking speaks in  f r e n c h. the last one is closely affiliated to shuu, because of this one tumblr post that says 'imagine someone screaming bonjour at a penis'. and my mind automatically generated an image of the purple ghoul doing that, with the face he makes as he sniffs kaneki's blood. who knows whose dick he did that to ; )

√ "there's pain behind every smile.", especially when the person who said or posted that is referring to themselves. like, fucking hell, it just kinda makes me cringe and triggers me so much that i look like i am being fucking used as test subject for a new model of an electric chair, made by a collaboration between android and nokia. not gonna expand any further. i might be offending someone, and i'm a hundred percent good citizen so i don't aggravate my offenses. ^also a sentence oops

√ "authority". you've read enough of my shit to know why this ugly as fuck word makes me laugh sooo fucking much everytime someone straight-up tells me about their *refer to word* just to shut me the fuck up or make me cower in fear and suppress my opinions. this shit is what keeps everyone from being friends and i fucking hate that for a fact.

√ "mineta should die." this sentence is one of the most popular shits you'd see on bnha groups. i mean, it doesn't make me laugh most of the time, but it just heightens my senses of making fun of people for their bias and hypocrisy. if hawks was the perverted kid, they'd probably still be showering him with six hundred seventy fucking nine buckets of love and appreciation because he has a cool quirk and that he has a fucking nice character design. then if you tell this to them feminists who wants to 'ban' mineta because he 'harasses females', they'd spout all that shit and make a whole fucking novel about the fact that he has no character development, blahblahblah. their desperation to exorcise non-eye-candy characters just to fullfill their own perverted fujoshit (refering to those who trash talk straight ships and non-yaoi-material characters) minds is getting real great, and greatness always gives me a good laugh when it skips over to the wrong context.


i'm singing the chorus part of vocaloid's exorcist for no reason, probably because i mentioned the desperate want of fucking biased shitfaces who don't like charas all because of how they fucking look, to get the said kinds of people to be gone.


(idk if i tagged u before but oh well)

(oops sorry for this, i'm a literal fucking stranger but your named popped up so i kinda just tapped it)

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