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Since I've lost all my comrades regarding internet connection, I'm here to rant and just type random,insignificant thoughts and yeah you know how the DON'T READ chapters work.

Okay so firstly, I was deeply insulted when someone told me I looked like Yoon Bum from Killing Stalking or whatever his name is.

I. Am. Deeply. Insulted.

Like fcuk

No I don't wth

I'm not a skinny-ass country whore who goes as far as to break into someone's house because of something as riddikkulus as lo-- //slapped

Well, they only said I looked like him but oh well.

I'm not a skinny-ass, levi-haired boi with charcoal under my eyes.

Ok so

Remember that time when I said someone called me Viktor?

Someone called me Yuri Katsuki, too.

And someone called me Yagami Light.

Like what

Ok so IDK if I said this before, but when I was watching Death Note on television back in the city at home, I was pretty sure my grandmother was sleeping so I didn't care and put the TV on volume 50.

And then it came to the part when Light was fcuking cornered and then he went "HAHAHAHA".

So I was just sitting back n' chill then I heard footsteps coming from the hallway and then there was my grandmother and she was like: "COULD YOU STOP LAUGHING--" then she saw the freakin' TV and the show and then she went 'oh' and walked away.

And then i asked her what she just said so she told me she wanted me to stop laughing then retreated ( rip ) when she found out that I was actually watching something. So i said;

Me: wait what

G: i thought it was you laughing

Me: .

G: it sounded like ur laugh when u got mad at ur cousin when u were 10

Me: how tf do u remember stuff from when i was 10 ( and you don't remember where you put your flashlight wth )

G: i just do *disappears into the hallway*

Me: *singing horror music in my mind*

And at this very moment I am singing horror music in my mind.

Okay, so you remember that list of Japanese drama?


BTW, here's a little something that will kill you once you start watching; Kacchan is gay.



He confessed at the end.

He's kind of gay with some mental disorder similar to that guy in Jeffrey Deaver's "The Broken Window". No, not the hoarder part. That part when he thinks even a chip of his latest victim's fingernail is "orgasmic". That's what he said, okay? Like, when I was reading the book, too, I stopped and looked at the word again.

So. . .

Watch it. *wink*

LOL I just remembered this one time when I went to this "Youth Summit" program that was said to have come from "Hawaii" as "Kala-Manawa" or something, and everyone else was, like, 18-40+ years old.

Shoving those thoughts aside

There was this 'friend system' or what ( i forgot ) that someone would have to choose the person they would always be with for the 3 days that the seminar would be lasting.

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