30 Day Anime Challenge

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as you can see, it's supposed to be done in 30 days. like dat pandora hearts chapter thing i've made before ( oh speaking of this manga, go read mochizuki jun's new work, vanitas no shuki. i swear ya ain't gonna be able to accept sleep after getting stuck on cliffhangers. ), i'm going to type this in one go. lmao. since me no internet but i gave up on doing homework


a) very first anime

- if i remember correctly, the first anime series i watched with great interest is blood+. i got a dvd, i re-watched it lots of times and even started making liiiiittle stories about it ( the origin of fanfic-writing in my case ). but if you want the first first, it's probably rurouni kenshin ( shown as samurai x ) or black blood brothers ( idk japanese title if there is ). i was three back then. or detective conan, idk???

b) favorite anime couple

- very hard question oh gourd. buuut if you ask me about my current addiction, it's probably mikuni & jeje or mikuni & tsurugi. nope, i'm totally not a fan of mikuni.



but ya want a straight ship?

i have kyouka & atsushi to present. *winkuuu*

c) favorite anime opening

- hmmmmmmmmm uhhh it's probably gonna be. . . uh. . . ohhh, yeah, i remember that fabulous af opening of blood+. yes. that one. season's call? ugh, no. the other one that shows diva standing on top of a cliff kinda thing and saya on the lower ground like they're fighting or somethin'. i forgot the title oh god

d) which anime character (s) would you want as a best friend?

- can it be manga? no? no??? okay.

probably gonna be the people from haikyuu or what because they're normal and they don't have abilities that could kill me anytime now hahaha jk jk. i'd be best friends with hanji or what if i had enough guts to be involved in aot business. i mean, we shouldn't pull them out of their universe and bring them into ours because their worlds make them what they are. so if they lived under different conditions, they wouldn't be who they are, and we wouldn't want them as friends.

. . . that ain't related to the question anymore tho. buuuut i think i'll choose. . . stephanie dola, shirota mahiru, armin arlert, nase hiromi, tanizaki naomi and licht jekylland todorki ( hey, abusive friendships are very strong. and. . . a liiittle pain isn't all bad from time to time :D-- //kicked [ kick me moar ] )

e) anime you're ashamed you enjoy

- i didn't watch boku no pico, love stage or large-scale hentai anime, so i'm not really ashamed of anything. ( wow, shortest answer so far, very good )

f) anime character you'd like to cosplay as

- it doesn't talk about the budget, so here;


yay 'nother short answer

g) what anime character would be your workout buddy?

- i don't seriously do gym and stuff, so i can't consider this question. but if i were to engage in hardcore workout mode, then. . . it's probably gonna be. . . uhhh. . . yyyyuri katsuki? maybe.

i was about to say iwa-chan, but no. he probably does gym 16 hours straight so NO.

h) what crossover would you like to see?



i) your first anime crush

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