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I'm just a random poor girl who's name is Unique. Don't know why my parents named me that. I was doing my usual walking down the hall getting talked about when out of nowhere I'm being pulled to the floor.
Carshanna: You poor bitch you got me suspended.
Unique: You got yourself suspended.
This is Carshanna the richest girl in the school aka the girl who beats on me everyday.
Carshanna: Oh so you can talk today. You got some balls now.
Before I had a chance to say something her and her clique was jumping me. Blood everywhere. I did nothing but cry as people recorded,laughed, and some just watched in disbelief.
??: Fight back you scary hoe.
??: Leave the damn girl alone.
People started arguing as I became light headed. I was on the urge of passing out.
Ms.Wilson: Everybody go to fuckin class right now. Carshanna get your ass in this office and someone take Unique to the nurse for Christ sakes.
This is the principal aka my auntie her name is Hope. She was named Hope because after my father parents had him they were told they couldn't have anymore kids. Yea she tries to help, but it isn't enough like come on auntie your rich why can't you get me anything. The fuck is wrong with you.

I can't believe my mom transferred me to some random school knowing our neighbors said it was rachets going here. I walked in the school and already saw blood in the hallway. That's a damn shame. I just ignored it and went to the office. I followed the class that the schedule said. I walked in and already saw people looking at me. I mean I know I'm sexy but seriously.
Mrs.White: You must be Mateo.
Mateo: Yes si- I mean ma'am I am.
Mrs.White: Ok well I'm-
Mateo: I know who you are.
Mrs.White: Well Mr Bowels I really advise you not to get on my bad side. But go have seat next to Keyshawn. Keyshawn raise your ha-
Mateo: I know who he is.
Mrs.White: You know what Mateo just have a seat.
I smirked as I walked over to Keyshawn dapping him up. I'm already winning. Getting on teachers nerves.
I think I'm gonna like it here. I got cut out my thoughts when this girl walked in slamming the door. She looks horrible.
Mrs.White: You have a pass
The girl didn't say nothing she just gave the teacher the pass and walked to the back.
Mateo: Yo who's that.
Key: The outcast of the school her name is Unique everyone pic-
Zavi: Beats on her.
Key: Yea that is true.
I looked back at her to see two girls all in her face. Yo that's not right.
Mrs.White: Alright everyone we're about to start a project find a partner or a group and hurry.
I saw everybody move from her in a flash.
Key: Yo you working with u-
Mateo: Nah
I got up and walked over to the girl as people watched me in disgust.
Mateo: Hey. Unique right.
Unique: Who's asking.
She had a grumpy tone these people are making her miserable.
Mateo: Please look up while you talk.
Unique: Go away.
Mateo: No now lift your head up you letting shit fall.
Unique: The fuck are you talking about nothing is falling.
Mateo: Yep you right nothing. Nothing but your confidence.
Unique: Can you just leave.
Mateo: And let you get a bad grade on this? No way.
Unique: Fine have a seat with the poor bitch.
I was about to sit down but some girl walked over.
??: Hey babe how about you leave this poor girl alone and come hang with us.
I was disgust when she started to talk her breath stinks, her teeth hella fucked up and them braces ain't working.
Mateo: Nah I'm good.
??: Oh well I'm Carshanna.
Mateo: Yea yea I've heard plenty about you already.
Carshanna: Omg why do you want to hang with this poor slut anyway.
Mateo: Hmm let me see. Why does your breath smell like dog shit. Why do you look like Tracey Barbie. Why are you musty. Why you got bout 20 probably 30 inch weave in ya head. Why you wearing hoeish clothes. So many questions yet few can be answered.
She stormed away as everybody laughed.

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