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Carshanna pov
I woke up and what seemed like a chamber. I noticed I was on chains when I tired to get up.

I looked down and saw that my clothes were ripped up. I was terrified the last thing I remember was getting jumped by Lashay and some of her friends.

I heard a familiar voice as the door opened then closed.

Carshanna: Who's there and what do you want from me.
?: Oh so now you all weak? You wasn't being weak when you was fucking with my girl got her mind all fucked up.

I thought to myself is this Key or Mateo. I looked up and saw a tall figure which meant it had to be key.

Carshanna: Key how could you do this to me?
I tried to sound as innocent as I could and he just laughed.
Key: You hurt her. And do you know what I do to people who hurts her?

The lights flashed on revealing a white room covered in blood. How many people hurt her?

Carshanna: Keyshawn please don't hurt me. He looked at me shaking his head as he pulled a chair in front of me and sat down.
Key: So what you expect to hurt someone and shit not to happen to you?

Carshanna: I did it for you Keyshawn.
Key: Bullshit. You did it out of jealous.
Carshanna: Duh do you not get it? Keyshawn I loved you. I saw the way you would always look at her. No matter how many times you denied it I knew you liked her. You even proved it one day in your sleep. You said she was beautiful. I had to make her ugly I wanted you to like me back.

He ignored what I said and grabbed a metal tray with all types of tools and knives.
Key: I'll let you decide what body part you want off first.

I was horrified. I've never saw this side of him before what is wrong with him.

Ayo pov
Yo school is hella boring without Teo and Keyshawn.

I wonder where the hell he been. But I have a feeling I know where he is.

I walked in class and saw Lashay sitting next to Lucas. I laughed and sat on his other side dapping him up. Then whispered.

Ayo: Yo Lashay and Keyshawn was sucking each other face off yesterday.
Lucas: You lying.
Ayo: Nawl I'm dead ass.

I sent the video to his phone. He automatically jumped up flipping the desk. He grabbed Lashay hair and pulled her out the room. Well damn..

I thought about it. And Mateo my brother so ain't no way I'm finna snitch on him.

I swear I'ma start recording Unique she been busting mirrors on every body's head lately.

Unique pov
I was laying in my bed watching tv. I was bored and hungry asf. I was about to turn off my light but Teo scared the shit out of me. I jumped and he laughed.

Unique: Mateo don't do that shit.
Mateo: Aww I'm sorry. Is the baby scared.
Unique: Go to hell.

He laughed as he walked all the way in.
Mateo: In that case let's eat because we going together.
Unique: I'm not.
Mateo: If I am then you are.

I laughed as he threw a bag of tacos on my bed and went in my bathroom.
Unique: Omg food! Teo you read my mind.
Mateo: Yea nigga you welcome.

I rolled my eyes as he came and laid down. He pulled me close holding me tight.
Mateo: I've been wanting to do this for the longest.
Unique: What?
I said as I grabbed the bag and started going in. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

Mateo: I just been wanting to hold you and never let you go. Actually never mind don't take this the wrong way but you make me sick.
Unique: What the fuck. What did I do?
Mateo: First let's start with you not tryna share your food. And second you always mad at me you can't get mad at me because I won't talk to you, you shouldn't be pushing a nigga away.
Unique: Oh so you want some food.
I chuckled because she just ignored everything I just said.

Mateo pov
Mateo: Gimme this damn taco.
I snatched a taco out a bag. When i was finished I went to go throw our trash away.

I went back to her room to see her going through my phone. I tackled her grabbing my phone.
Mateo: What you doing baby girl.
Unique: Nothing.
She giggled as I attacked her face with kisses. I then stopped and started kissing her neck.

She automatically dropped the remote and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled as I licked up to her earlobe.
Mateo: You wanna finish what we started.
She nodded impatiently. I was taking off her boy shorts then somebody called my name. Go damnit who the fuck is that. Somebody always gotta fuck up the moment...

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