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He pulled away and smiled.
Mateo: Wow they did this to you?
Unique: Yea.
I was about to hold my head down but I didn't. Wow I didn't let my head down. All I did was smile.
Mateo: You did it.
Unique: I did. Didn't i?
Mateo: Yea you did. But tomorrow.
Unique: What about tomorrow.
Mateo: Tomorrow is officially no makeup day.
Unique: What but my scars.
Mateo: It's ok trust me.
Unique: But my scars make me look ugly.
Mateo: No it does not. Stop calling yourself ugly when your clearly not.
Mateo: You know it's getting late I should take you home.
We got in his car as he drove me home in complete silence. Well I guess I can't wear makeup tomorrow.

Then next day I woke up and took a shower. After I brushed my teeth I threw on some clothes and and flat ironed my hair. Then I thought to myself he still did not teach me how to use that stupid phone. I walked downstairs and ate. My father or mother was nowhere to be found. They're at work I guess. I walked out the door and went to the bus stop. I gulped as Maria and Carshanna walked up.
Maria: Jesus you look even worse without makeup.
Carshanna: I don't see what Mateo see in you.
Maria: Oh she has nothing to say today.
They were walking closer to me but stopped when Mateo pulled up.
Mateo: Need a ride.
Maria: As a matter of fact I do.
Mateo: No one was talking to you.
He looked at me and smirked. I shrugged as Maria got angry.
Mateo: Come on Unique.
I hopped in the car and leaned my head on the window.
Mateo: You ok?
Unique: Ya I'm fine.
Mateo: Don't worry about them.
Unique: Why Mateo.
Mateo: Why what?
Unique: Why do you care so much. Why are you trying to be my friend. Why did you kiss me. Why do you even bother.
Mateo: Because I love you Unique I thought I told you this last night.
Unique: It's just hard to believe that someone besides my family actually loves me.
Mateo: Well I do. Believe that.
I just smiled as we pulled up to the school.
Unique: I don't think I should be seen with you.
Mateo: Girl what?
Unique: It's just you might lose friends.
Mateo: If they don't like me because I'm with you that means that they were never my friends.
He got out and opened my door. He grabbed my hand as I got out the car. He closed the door as we walked up to his friends. Some of them looked at him like he was stupid tho.
Trevor: Yo why you hanging with her.
Mateo: Do you have a problem with me being with her.
Keyshawn: Yea because if you do you have a problem with us.
Zavi: All of us.
Imprint: Most definitely.
Trevor: Nah nah there's no problem my bad.
I was surprised did they all just stand up for me. Wow I can't believe this.
Keyshawn: I've never got to really meet you. I'm Keyshawn but call me Key.
Unique: I'm uh.. I'm
Keyshawn: It's fine I know your name. It's ok I get it you don't want to talk.
Zavi: We are all sorry.
Unique: For?
Imprint: For not taking up for you when we should have.
I smiled as we walked in the school. I have new friends already..
I guess Mateo was right.

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