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Carshanna: Keyshawn please don't do this.
Key: See I don't care that you told Ayo because he already knew. But you fucked up when you told Teo.
Carshanna: Keyshawn please don't hurt me I'll make it up I swear. I'll kill Maria.
Key: Oh it's too late for that.

I gulped as he walked over to his tray picking something up.
Key: You ready for your eyes.
Carshanna: Key no please no. I'll do anything just please don't do this.
Key: You get what you deserve.

He walked towards me sitting in the chair that was placed right in front of me.
Carshanna: Why? Why do I deserve this.
Key: It doesn't matter to you.
Carshanna: Just tell me please.
Key: All this torture that I'm doing is the same pain you caused Unique.
Carshanna: I never cut her fingers off.
Key: Enough talking now don't move.

I sat still as he got closer grabbing the back of my head. I cried as he got closer to my eye.
Carshanna: Keyshawn I'm sorry.
I yelled snatching my head away backing into the corner. He chuckled and threw a knife straight through my leg.

Key: Now move again!!
Carshanna: Please I'm sorry I never meant to hurt her.
Key: Nawl get up.
I did as told struggling to get on my feet. He then threw a knife straight through my foot.
Key: Walk!
Carshanna: Key-
Key: Bitch I said walk.

I started limping towards him but he threw another knife.
Key: Walk not limp.
Carshanna: Bu-
Key: But nothing now do as I say.
I nodded and walked to him crying like a bitch. I never meant to hurt Unique. I was just feed up. Keyshawn never paid any attention to me. He was always looking at her.

When I got in front of him he smiled.
Key: Good girl. Now get down so I can finish my job.

Teo pov
I was asking and asking Ayo if Keyshawn was really capable of this he would keep making a weird face that threw me off but he'll say no. I know something is going on and I will find out.

Mateo: Ayo we need to find her come on.
Ayo: Ight man hold up.
I shook my head he is still stuck in this damn game.
Mateo: Fine I'll ask Keyshawn to help.
He jumped up putting the controller down. Oh yeah something is going on.
Ayo: Nah nah come on.
Mateo: Why you get up so fast?
Ayo: Because I'm your brother and I don't want another person helping you find your wife.

Ayo pov
He chuckled as we left out. Damn I think Keyshawn took Unique he always told me he was in love with her but I never thought it'll go this far. I knew he had Carshanna and I knew why. But he took this way to far.

Ayo: Yo you wanna check Keyshawn house tho.
Mateo: Yea sure.
I nodded as I text Keyshawn. "Yo me and Teo coming over if you got Unique you better find a way to get her to say you didn't kidnap her." I looked at Teo and he was staring me down.

Ayo: What?
Mateo: Why you look so nervous?
Ayo: Why you ask so many questions?
Mateo: Just curious.
Ayo: Curiosity killed a cat. You wanna know the cats name?
Mateo: Yea.
Ayo: Teo. Now focus on the road.
He nodded as Keyshawn text me. "It's all good she already thinks I saved her you two coming over would just make that story more believable."

I shook my head this is wrong. I told her to break things off with him but she doesn't listen.

Unique pov
I was in the living watching tv waiting on Keyshawn so he can take me home. I was in the middle of catching up on empire when he busted through the door.
Unique: The fuck wrong with you?
Keyshawn: Nothing we're going to school come on.
Unique: That shit whole? Um no.
Keyshawn: Come on we have to go!!
He yelled causing me to jump then there was a knock at the door. He walked over to me grabbing my shirt.

Key: Go in the closet and don't say shit.
I nodded as I went in the closet trying my best not to make any noise.

Keyshawn pov
I walked to the door opening it. I dapped Ayo up then went to dap Teo up but he left me hanging.
Key: Well damn it's like that?
Mateo: Nah nah I'm just off a bit.
Key: Wassup with him?
I asked Ayo as we all went and sat on the couch.
Ayo: Man somebody kidnapped Unique.
Key: Yo why you ain't tell me?
Mateo: I was focused on finding her and not telling people that she was missing.
Key: Maria probably got sum to do with this.
Mateo: Probably.
Ayo: Yea but we got to head out.
Key: Ight.

They left and Unique bust through the closet.
Unique: You fucking liar!! SO YOU DID KIDNAP ME!

Maria pov
I haven't been seeing anyone at school lately. I've only been seeing Zavi and Benny. Well and Trevor but he looks horrible. Is everyone that interested in Unique like damn she stop going to school everybody else stops even my own cousin where the hell is she. It's like everybody cares for that poor ass girl. But Lashay is here maybe I should talk to her...

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