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These past 4 days has been nothing but work work work. I had not time to show attention to no one and it all paid off. I was now at my graduation smiling my heart off.

I walked into the cafeteria waiting for the rest of the graduates when Teo walked in I ran to him.
Mateo: Hey.
Unique: You don't seem happy to see me.
Mateo: I see you every morning chill.
I rolled my eyes and walked away. I walked to Zavi and Benny they didn't seem happy to see my either.
Unique: Hey guys.
They didn't reply they just looked away.

I stomped away and walked to Lucas and Ayo. They also turned away.
Unique: Why is everyone ignoring me.
Nobody said anything.
Unique: Fine.

After everyone received there certificate and did there speech everybody was outside taking pictures I just sat by myself.

I was on the urge of crying I hate when people ignore my what did I do wrong? Soon enough I was feed up. I got up walking so I could be away from everyone. I was soon grabbed by someone I turned around and seen it was Trevor.
Unique: Get off of me!!
Trevor: I've been waiting so long to get you alone.
He then pushed me on the wall connecting to the side of the school.

Trevor: Mateo is so stingy with you.
Unique' What the fuck are you talking about get off of me.
He pinned my arms against the wall as I struggled to get out his grip.
Unique: Trevor get off of me.
He chuckled which meant no he then started kissing my neck while whispering.
Trevor: See I never had a problem with you I just never liked you being with Teo.

I gulped as he went back to sucking my neck. I had to admit it felt hella good but I couldn't give in.
Unique: Trevor p-please stop.
Trevor: mhmm it don't sound like you want me to.
He then out his hand up my gown while rubbing my clit threw my shorts. I slightly moaned.
Trevor: You still want me to stop.
I was about to say no but I snapped out of my trance I quickly pushed him away and went back to where I could be seen.

I spotted Lydia taking pictures of Ayo and Teo. I walked towards her telling her I'd be in the car. Before I could walk away Teo grabbed my arms spinning me around. When I turned around I saw banders on the school saying be mine. I looked at Teo who was now on his knees. I gasp as everybody screamed surprise. I looked around to see no sight of Trevor or Maria I got knocked out of thought by a flash.

I giggled and looked down at Teo.
Mateo: Be mine.
He stated but it seemed more like a question he soon pulled out a ring slipping it on my finger.
Unique: Teo i-
Mateo: Anything but no.
Unique: Yes Teo I'll be yours.
He smiled and jumped up hugging me tight. He smashed his lips against mine and I saw another flash. I giggled while kissing back.

Ayo pov
After everybody said surprise I left and Lashay followed. I was sitting at the bench in the food court area. She soon came and sat next to me.
Lashay: Are you ok?
Ayo: Yea I'm straight.
Lashay: Are you sure baby. You don't need anything?
She started rubbing my leg and I instantly felt ashamed.
Ayo: Please don't call me that.
Lashay: Ok whatever you say.
Ayo: Yo can you like stop!
Lashay: But-
Ayo: But nothing Lashay that was a one time thing ok you need to go see what Lucas is doing.

She shook her head.
Lashay: He's sucking off some other bitch face ok that's what he's doing. I thought he would focus more on me Ayo he told me he would but he continues to cheat that's the only reason I've ever cheated on him. So please Ayo please let me do this.
Ayo: This ain't right Lashay you don't fight wrong with wrong.
Lashay: You wasn't complain 5 days ago.
Ayo: I don't have time for this.
I got up about to walk away but she started sobbing. I turned around and saw so much pain in her eyes but she's putting herself through this pain.

I walked back towards her hugging her.
Ayo: It's ok.
She nodded as she whipped her tears while pulling my dick out. I just shook my head and let it happen.

Lucas pov
I was walking back outside from the school to see everybody extremely happy. I felt bad about what I just did. I wanted to tell Lashay everything and that I was sorry but I saw her nowhere. I started searching for her but I heard someone groaning I walked in that direction to see Lashay sucking up Ayo. What type of Bullshit is this.

I was bout ready to knock her head off...

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