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Mateo mouthed dropped as he got up and I covered myself.
Mateo: What are you doing here Desiree.
Desiree: I came to see you and you fucking another bitch.
Mateo: And your mad because.
I didn't even want to be here no more. I put on my clothes grabbing my stuff. I was about to walk out but Mateo grabbed me.
Mateo: Where you going.
Desiree: Naw let the slut go.
I looked at her and smiled while putting my stuff down.
Unique: Call me a slut again.
Mateo: Don't do it.
Desiree: You heard me slu-
Before she had a chance to finish I picked up Mateo's wall mirror and wacked her with it.
Mateo: Oh shit Unique chill.
He tried to grab me but I pushed him. I started beating her with the frame of the mirror and she was screaming. While I was kicking her face in Ayo walked in.
Ayo: What the fuck. Teo you letting her do this shit.
Mateo: I tried to get her off already.
Ayo shook his head and walked over picking me up damnit I can't get out his grip.
Unique: Put me down.
Ayo: Hell naw you crazy.
Unique: She called me a slut now put me down before I beat your ass.
He slammed me on the bed hovering over me.
Ayo: Unique you really don't know who you talking to. I advised you to calm yo lil ass down.
He grabbed arms his grip was tight asf. The look he had in his eyes could kill. His hands was slowly going to my neck. I was stuck. Mateo ended up pushing him off.
Mateo: Yo you need to take her home.
Ayo: You got me fucked up do you know how far she live.
Mateo: Shit somebody invited her here and it was not me.
Ayo: I know what I can do. Take her ass to the airport.
Mateo: Well do that.
Ayo and that girl left. I got up grabbing my things.
Mateo: Where you going.
Unique: Somewhere you aren't.
Mateo: Is this about her? Look I'm sorry.
Unique: This isn't just about her Mateo.
Mateo: Then what is it huh what am I doing so wrong.
Unique: That's it right there. You think your so perfect but in reality u probably got hella shit going on.
Mateo: Look I know I'm not perfect neither are you no one is perfect.
Unique: You're not understanding what I'm tryna say. No one ever does.
Mateo: Then what are you tryna say.
Unique: I'm saying you ain't shit and I was a fool to think that you actually cared for me.
Mateo: Now you got things all mixed up I do care about you.
Unique: Then who was that.
Unique: You can't tell me can you. Ok Teo bye.
I walked out as I went to his car and grabbed my bags. When I turned around Ayo pulled up getting out his car.
Ayo: Look Unique I was thinking and I'm sorry fo-
Unique: I don't care can you take me home.
Ayo: Yea are you ok.
Unique: Yea I'm fine.
I put my bags in the car and hopped in. When we pulled up to my house Ayo helped bring the bags up.
Unique: Thank you.
Ayo: No problem.
Unique: Ayo?
Ayo: Wassup.
Unique: Who was that girl.
Ayo: That was Teo's girlfriend.
Unique: His what now?
Ayo: Don't stress it.
Unique: Alright whatever.
Ayo: Ok but I got go make sure Teo ain't doing nothing crazy see you later.
Unique: Ok bye.
He walked up giving me a hug and I hugged back. He pecked my lips. My eyes got wide as he pulled away and left. I turned around to see my dad opening the door.
Dad: And who the hell was that..

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