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So I'm down here wondering what the fuck is wrong with Unique. She literally upstairs crying her heart out she told me I was being mean to her because I went to school and refused to stay here with her. She's been having mixed emotions lately. I should really see what's wrong with her. I walked to her room. And the first thing I saw was ice cream, love and basketball, hella snack cakes, and I farrowed my eyebrows.

Mateo: Um you ok.
Unique: I'm fine so get out.
Mateo: I just came to check on you.
Unique: Teo I'm sorry I didn't mean it.
Mateo: Oh hell nah you got problems.
She automatically broke down. Oh she on her period.

Mateo: You on your period?
Unique: No.
I shook my head and went in her bathroom. Boom bloody pads in the trash. I grabbed the box of pads and walked out with it.
Mateo: What's this?
Unique: Fine it's that time of the month.
I sat next to her.
Mateo: Is there something you wanna get off your chest?
Unique: It's just I figured you'd be disgusted.
Mateo: Why would I be disgusted?
Unique: Because the smell, how crappy I'd look, all the emotions.
Mateo: Baby that's nothing to be disgusted about. It's a part of life. And it doesn't matter how you look you're still beautiful in my eyes.

She smiled and hugged me.
Mateo: I'm here for you ok.
Unique: Ok. Hey Teo?
Mateo: Yea.
Unique: Why aren't we together yet?
Mateo: That's for me to know and you to find out.
Unique: Really Teo?
Mateo: Yes. And you really need to go to school I know you not tryna stay back.
Unique: Did you forget the principal is my auntie.
Mateo: Unique that doesn't fucking matter. You are going to school starting tomorrow rather you like it or not.
Unique: Fine dad.

Carshanna pov
I was in the hospital bed and Maria walked in.
Maria: Omg you're ok.
Carshanna: Yea Unique saved me.
She stopped dead in her tracks and giggled.
Maria: I don't give a fuck who saved you. I'm just glad you're ok so we can kill her.
Carshanna: Um about that.

She instantly stopped smiling.
Maria: You're not backing out are you?
Carshanna: I mean she is a pretty nice girl. And you have to admit she very pretty.
Maria: Are you serious right now? This isn't the Carshanna I know.
Carshanna: Well get used to it.

She smiled and walked to my side pulling the plug.
Maria: You we're always the weak one in the family.
The last thing I seen was her leaving and me pressing the nurse button repeatedly.

Maria pov
This bitch really backed out. I have to tell Trevor about this.
Trevor: Hello
Maria: Trevor she backed out
Trevor: Did you kill her
Maria: Yea I pulled the plug
Trevor: Good girl now come on home.
Maria: Yes daddy

Lucas pov
I was chilling with Ayo thinking bout how life would've went if Lashay hadn't did what she did. I mean of course I love the girl but she did wrong. At the same time she's totally right. I've never paid any attention to her. I should've paid more attention she wouldn't have done the shit she did if I wasn't so caught up and all these girls and how much they liked me. I mean I didn't like nun of them but I did have my eyes on somebody but Teo got to her before me. It doesn't matter tho because I love Lashay. And Teo made the right decision in choosing Unique they're perfect for each other. I was getting to deep in thought and Ayo finally realized.

Ayo: yo you not listening to shit I'm saying.
Lucas: I'm sorry I was just thinking.
Ayo: It's about Lashay huh.
Lucas: Yea man I can't get her out my fucking head.
Ayo: Go get your girl man.
Lucas: But-
Ayo: But nothing man go get her.
Lucas: Really?
Ayo: Yes really quit wasting time.
Lucas: Ight ight.
I dapped him up and left. This nigga better not tear my house up.

Lashay pov
I was sitting in the living room doing my usual. Crying. Yes I'm still crying over Lucas. He was so perfect even tho he spent no time with me I still love him to death.

I got up to get some more ice cream and seen him leaning against the island. I automatically broke down.
Lashay: Lucas how'd yo-
Lucas: Shh don't worry about that.
Lashay: Lucas I really mi-
Lucas: Be quiet. You know your parents sleep.
I held my head down as he came up to me hugging me rocking side to side.
Lucas: I've missed you too baby.
Lashay: Really?

Lucas: Yea I want to be with you. I don't even care no more.
I smiled about to hug the shit out of him but he stopped me.
Lucas: But can we take things a little slow this time?
Lashay: Of course we can. As long as we get back together.
He smiled and got some ice cream out the freezer while getting a spoon.
Lucas: Alright then.
He then wrapped his arm around my neck leading me to the living room...

Damn Maria evil..

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