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I was walking home as Mateo pulled up.
Mateo: Unique.
Mateo: Unique can you listen.
Unique: No!
I walked faster has I heard a car door then felt him stopping me.
Mateo: Listen to me girl.
Unique: What huh what.
Mateo: Ok I admit it I said it but I just said it so keep my status. I was so stupid to say. I know you're no slut and I'm sorry.
Unique: Fuck off.
Mateo: Omg can you please let me make it up.
Unique: Fine
He grabbed my bags as we got in the car. When we got to his house went to his room. I still don't see his parents. I sat down as he grabbed my phone and sat next to me.
Mateo: Wanna learn.
Unique: Yea I guess.
Mateo: Now I'm only go show you the basics everything else is unnecessary.
Unique: Alright Mateo.
Mateo: Damn you don't like me right now do ya.
Unique: No now teach me.
He smiled as he showed me a couple things. Afterwards we was just talking laughing and goofing around.
Mateo: Aye give me my phone.
Unique: Get it.
I held the phone away from him as he reached for it. He ended up on top of me.
Mateo: Damn your eyes are perfect.
Unique: Mateo stop i-
Before I finished we were having a full make out session. I dropped his phone as he unbutton my pants. He started kissing my neck and it felt so good. He put his hand in my panties and started rubbing my clit. It felt so good but it was wrong. I didn't stop him I realized it got far when he took his shirt off. He went down and started taking my panties off but I stopped him.
Unique: Mateo wait.
Mateo: What.
Unique: I never done this before.
Mateo: it's ok baby I got you.
Unique: Mateo I'm not ready.
Mateo: Baby calm down I said I got you.
Unique: But Teooo.
Mateo: Niqueee.
Unique: I'm serious I'm not ready for this.
Mateo: Fuck that.
I watch as he pulled my panties down and pulled his dick out.
Unique: Oh hell no. Now you most definitely got me fucked up.
Mateo: What you mean.
Unique: First I'm not ready and second that's to big.
Mateo: Girl chill out it'll fit.
He forced my legs open while rubbing his dick on my enterense. He leaned in and smiled.
Mateo: This part might hurt a little so hold on to something.
He started kissing my neck as he forced himself in me and fuck it hurt.
Unique: Oh shit Teo Teo stop. It hurts stop.
Mateo: Chill out damn.
Unique: Teo no get this shit out of me.
Mateo: Man baby girl chill it's go be ight.
With that he continued to enter slowly. As soon as he was in he started pounding.
Unique: Mateo no that's too fast.
He didn't listen. Instead he lifted my leg and went faster.
Mateo: Ahh shit. Woo you tight asf.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He went faster and I couldn't help but scream. He grabbed both my legs and went insane. I couldn't do it, it was too overwhelming. I started moaning hella loud as his dick started to throb. Then the door opened.

??: Oh hell naw Teo who is this..

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