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New beginning's

Unique: Dad he's just a f-
Dad: I don't care get your ass in this house now.
Mom: Daniel leave the girl alone.
I walked in as he slammed the door.
Dad: Nah she out there kissing people she barely know.
Unique: I didn't kiss him.
Dad: What was that then.
Unique: He kissed me ok I didn't kiss back.
Dad: And why is that.
Mom: Unique go to your room.
Dad: Nah stay right here. Now why didn't you kiss him back.
Unique: Because I don't know him lik-
Dad: Exactly so why the hell were you with him.
Unique: I wasn't I was with Mateo he made me mad so I asked his brother to take me home.
Dad: So that means you kiss his brother.
Unique: I did not kiss him dad.
Dad: I'm not blind.
Unique: Well obviously you are because if you were really paying attention you would see I made no move. You are pathetic to not believe your own daughter.
Dad: What did you just call me little girl.
Unique: A pathetic bitch.
Mom: Unique watch your mouth.
Dad: On nah she finna learn today.
He walked up to me as I backed away.
Mom: Unique go to your room now.
I turned around and ran up to my room slamming the door. I can't believe he doesn't believe me. I looked at my phone to see multiple text from Mateo. I ignored what he was saying and started putting my clothes up as my dad bust in my room.

Dad: So you cussing now.
Unique: Can you please leave me alone.
Dad: Nah stop putting clothes up take yah clothes down and pack and get the fuck out since you so grown.
Unique: No one ever said I was grown.
Dad: Obviously you are since you cursing at your father get the fuck out.

I got angry. I pulled out my suitcases and started taking my clothes down. As I started packing my mom walked in.

Mom: Unique don't do this.
Dad: She's learning. She'll soon find out that these boys don't love her. These people don't love you Unique.
I looked at him as I grabbed my suitcases and picked up my phone.
Unique: You right these people don't love me. But Mateo does.
I sat there and called Mateo putting it on speaker.

Omg Unique I thought you would never talk to me again.
Mateo forget all of that can you come get me.
What's wrong what's going on are you ok?
No my dad is kicking me out because your brother kissed me.
My brother did what!!
I'll explain later can just come get me please.
Yea I'm on my way.
I love you.
You said it a million times already.
And I meant it.
I love you too.
Ight see ya.
I hung up and my dad crossed his arms.
Dad: What was that supposed to prove.
Unique: That someone out there will always be there for me no matter what. So you can kick me out and think I'm going to come crawling back but I'm not.
I heard a horn so I walked downstairs and opened the door. Mateo came and got my things as my mom walked up.
Mom: Unique don't do this.
Unique: Mom if dad doesn't want me here because someone had kissed me. Then I guess I'm leaving.
Mom: He doesn't mean it.
Unique: Mom I love you bye.
Mom: Unique -
Before she had a chance to finish I hopped in Teo's car buckling up as he drove off. Here's to new beginning's

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