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The next day I woke up happy, but I quickly came to reality. What if he wants me to go to the park so he could pull some type of joke. A boy like him just can't want to be friends with a girl like me. I got up and took a shower. When I was done getting dressed I looked in the mirror. I saw pure ugliness. My parents always tell me that I'm beautiful but I just don't see it. I put on makeup to cover my scars as I walked downstairs and saw my auntie talking to my mom.
Hope: Hey Unique.
Unique: Hey Ms.Wils- I mean auntie.
Hope: You look so pretty today.
Mom: She's right. Infact you look beautiful everyday.
Unique: Thanks.
I smiled as I started to walk out but got stopped.
Hope: Where you going sweetheart?
Unique: To meet Mateo at the park.
Mom: Who's Mateo?
Hope: Oh he's the new boy at the school.
Unique: Yea we have a project.
Hope: Oh ok I'll drop you off and give you some money for some food.
Unique: Okay. But hey what were you two talking about.
Hope: You'll find out when you get back home.
Unique: Um okay. Mommy tell Dad I love him when he gets home.
Mom: Ok beautiful lady.
I giggled as me and my auntie left. When she pulled up to the park Mateo was out there with this tall ass boy. I hoped out and walked over. The tall boy was just staring so I held my head down.
Mateo: Great I started to think you weren't comin- Unique what did I tell you.
?:Oh so this is the girl you were talking about. Lift ya head up ma.
I was about to blush like a fool but I held it in and lifted my head.
?: Dang you cute as fu- I mean my name Ayleo. I'm his brother.
Unique: Oh ok.
Mateo: You still ain't answer​ my question tho.
Unique: You told me not to hold my head down.
Mateo: Why?
Unique: Because I'm letting shit fall.
Mateo: Mhm but you ready to work on this project.
Unique: Um it's kind of hot out here.
Mateo: Of course it is come on.
I followed him to a car wow it's nice. We got in. My body was stiff as hell. I was nervous and a bit scared. What if he embarrass me. What if this is all some type of game or joke. I just shrugged it off.
Mateo: Hey you ok?
Unique: Um yeah I'm fine.
Mateo: Look if Maria put her hands on you again I'm breaking up with her.
Unique: No. It'll only make things worse.
Mateo: It doesn't matter because from now on I will always be by your side.
I smiled as he pulled up to this big beautiful house. We got out as we went to his room.
Unique: Where are your parents.
Mateo: Work all they do is work. Work don't stop. The grind don't stop.
I giggled as he pulled out a big ass poster.
Mateo: Wow your smile is beautiful.
Unique: Bull shit.
I mumbled hoping he didn't hear but he did. And he looked at me like I was mental.
Mateo: Don't ever say that shit. You are the most beautiful girl I've seen in that school so far. I told you yesterday you shouldn't let them people get to your head.
Unique: But I can't.
Mateo: Oh you can you just won't.
Unique: Mateo I came for the project not a speech.
Mateo: I don't give a fuck about the project no more. You just pissed me off. Come on get up.
I did as told as he walked me over to a mirror. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
Mateo: You are beautiful girl why can't you see that.
Unique: Because I am not.
Mateo: Come on repeat me. I am beautiful.
Unique: ...
Mateo: Unique come on.
Unique: I I I am beautiful.
Mateo: In every way.
Unique: In every way. I am beautiful in every way.
Mateo: That's right now you just got to believe it. Fuck what other people say. Go again.
Unique: I am beautiful in every way.
I repeated it until a smile creeped on my face. I looked at Mateo through the mirror and he smiled. He spun me around. Looking deep in my eyes. I blushed and put my head down. He picked it up and smiled.
Mateo: This time I want you to keep your head up. Not just because your crown is falling but because you're beautiful and the world would never see that if your head is always down.
I smiled as he hugged me. I didn't hug back I haven't had a hug in years. After about a minute I hugged back. He pulled away and pecked my lips.

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