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Mateo pov
I walked downstairs to see who it was and I saw nobody.

I looked out the door to see a note on the porch. I read it and it said "You're stupid to leave the girl alone." I was confused.

I soon heard Unique screaming. I ran to her room and saw her nowhere. Her window was opened I looked out to see a familiar ass car taking off.

Mateo: Fuck man!!

Carshanna pov
I was on my death bed everything was hurting. He has took some of my teeth out. Some of my fingers are gone and if I don't obey him he'll come back for my eyes.

I was now crying and shivering what did I do to get myself in this situation. I was on the urge of screaming in pain but Keyshawn walked in.
Keyshawn: I just have one last job and I want you to do it.
Carshanna: Y-yes Keyshawn.
Keyshawn: It's yes Master don't make me whoop your ass again.
Carshanna: Yes master I'm sorry. What do you want me to do.

He grabbed a mask and a gun handing it to me.
Keyshawn: Go kill Maria.
Carshanna: But master th-thats my cousin.
Keyshawn: What did I tell you.
Carshanna: I'm sorry I'll do it.
Keyshawn: Good. Know wears these.
He tossed me some gloves and a slug so my teeth wouldn't show.
I nodded as he took the chains of. I know it's my chance to get away but he'll knock my fucking head off if I try anything.

Keyshawn: Now I have someone to handle. You do as I say and you won't get hurt. Or you don't do as I say and I'll torture you to death.
I quickly nodded as he let me out and got in his car. I swear I seen somebody in his backseat.

Unique pov
I woke up in unfamiliar room then somebody walked in. I was pissed when I saw his face.
Keyshawn: You're up beautiful.
Unique: Keyshawn how the hell did I get her.
Keyshawn: Oh I was on my way to Teo house and Saw somebody tryna put you in there car so I was just helping you out.

Unique: Oh I'm sorry I was uh.
Keyshawn: It's fine I got you some food. You hungry?
Unique: No actually. But I want to go home tho.

When I said that he clenched his jaw but tried to play it off with a smile. On some real shit he looked hella fine when he did that. Wait wtf I like Mateo. I searched my for my phone and realized I was in nothing but boy shorts and a half shirt. Now I know to where clothes in the house people kidnapping me and shit.

Unique: Hey Keyshawn did you happen to see what this person looked like.
Keyshawn: Nah they was just wearing a mask.
I nodded. This nigga is so suspect. He probably fucking kidnapped me but I don't see him as that type of person.

Ayo pov
I walked in the house school is fucking finally over. I walked in the living room to see Teo crying.
Ayo: Bro you ok.
Mateo: No man I'm not ok.
He looked up at me his eyes was bloodshot red.
Mateo: Somebody took her man they took Unique.
Ayo: They did what.
Mateo: They fucking took Unique.
Ayo: Oh nah we going to jail today.
I ran upstairs grabbing our guns. I came back down and saw he was already ready. I handed him his gun and hugged him

Ayo: It's go be ok lil bro we go find her ight.
Mateo: Ight man.
Ayo: Now wipe those bitchy tears and come on.
He chuckled as we headed out..

Well damn

Did Keyshawn kidnap or save Unique?

And is Carshanna really about to kill Maria??

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