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After the police left me and Mateo went to my parents house. When he pulled up I realized that my parents couldn't possibly live here any more. Carshanna was sitting outside crying she looks horrible. Why would he do this?

I got out the car and walked over to her.
Unique: Carshanna?
She looked up at me in hatred.
Carshanna: This is all your fault. This wouldn't have happened to me if you hadn't existed.
Unique: I'm trying to help your ass out now get up.
Carshanna: I can't get up can't you see that.
Unique: Mateo help me we need to get her to the hospital and now.

Maria pov
Me and Lashay has been hanging for a while she's actually a cool person. But I can't get over the fact that she won't admit to hating Unique.
Maria: So what you want to do.

Lashay: I don't know I just want Lucas back.
Maria: Omg forget him already.
Lashay: Like you forgot Teo?
Maria: No but that's different.
Lashay: Different how?
Maria: You know what forget it. I should be beating yo ass right now anyway.
Lashay: And why is that.
Maria: You fucked Mateo.
Lashay: How do you know?
Maria: Ayo told me.

She shook her head.
Lashay: Ugh I fucking hate his snitching ass.
Maria: Hopefully you hate the person who put stitches in your head.
Lashay: Look Maria it's my fault that I have stitches in my head ok I would never hate her for no reason and I'm not turning against her for you. I know that's all you want me to do that's why you're trying to be my friend. Maria everything doesn't always work your way just let it go.

I got angry and she shook her head and left.
Lashay: You dumb bitch.
She slammed the door and I stormed to my room.

Ayo pov
I was sitting down when Teo and Unique came in. They both made stank faces.
Ayo: Look I'm s-
I automatically shut up because Unique was reaching for the mirror I just bought and Teo made a face telling me to shut up.

Unique: Don't speak to me.
Mateo: Don't speak to me either.
They both walked in the kitchen. Oh I'm finna speak to them but I gotta hide these mirrors first.

I walked in the kitchen and cleared my throat.
Ayo: Um guys im sorry I didn't do anything. I just wasn't tryna get killed. But now I see that not everything is about me. And once again I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I know you two would never forgive me but at least try.

Unique started looking around the house then she came back in the kitchen looking mad. She then spotted the vase on the island.

We looked at each other and she smiled and reached for it but Teo grabbed her.
Mateo: Look I know you're mad at him but you're not about to kill my brother.
Unique: Why not?
Oh shit this bitch said why not let me leave.

Lashay pov
Ok I'm done trying to get Lucas back he's over me and I'm going to respect that, but I need to try to apologize to Unique. I pulled up to the house and Ayo was walking out the door mad holding his head. Oh shit she busting people with mirrors.

Lashay: Ayo what's wrong.
Ayo: That psycho hit me in the head with a vase.
Lashay: A vase?
Ayo: Yea I hid all the mirrors.
Lashay: Well you know not to do that next time.
Ayo: You damn right.
I laughed shaking my head as he hopped in his car.

When I walked in Teo and Unique was all cuddled up.
Unique: Oh hell nawl what the fuck you doing here.
Lashay: I just came to apologize.
Unique: Alright you can leave now.
Mateo: Just talk to her.
Unique: Fine.

We walked to the kitchen and she smiled.
Unique: You're a lucky bitch today Ayleo bitch ass hid all the damn mirrors.
Lashay: Unique I didn't come here for any drama.
Unique: And I didn't want you to come here.
Lashay: Look I just want to be friends okay.
Unique: Friends? After you fucked Mateo? Me and you friends you're very funny.
Lashay: It's not y'all are together anyway.
Unique: Bitch tell me we aren't together again.

She smiled and looked towards the basement door.

Unique pov
I was waiting for her to say me and Teo weren't together so I can get this mirror from the basement. Ayo forgot to hide that one.
Lashay: I mean it's true you to aren't together.

Mateo pov
I walked in the kitchen to make sure they were doing ok.
Unique: I'll be right back.

Unique went to the basement. Wait why? She soon came out holding a mirror.
Unique: I'ma give you a three second head start to run. 1-
Lashay flew out the door before she even finished.
Mateo: Omg Unique you have to stop this.
Unique: But she said we weren't together.
Mateo: We're no-
I got cut off by the damn mirror hitting across my face.
Mateo: Ahh shit what the fuck.
Unique: Say it again and I'm smashing your face in with a hammer.

Damn y'all Unique going crazy.

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