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Keyshawn pov
Yo did this nigga just hang up on me tf is his problem.

Unique: I wa-
Key: I don't give a fuck shut the fuck up.
As soon as I said that it was a loud thud at the door.
Mateo: Open the door Keyshawn I know she's in there.
I smirked well well well.
Key: I don't know what you talking bout man.
Mateo: Open the fucking door before I bust in this bitch.
Keyshawn: I see you want to play. Well let the games begin.

I smiled as I dimmed all the lights and hid Unique.

Mateo pov

Mateo: You have three seconds Keyshawn.
He didn't reply. I was about to bust in but the door opened. This nigga house look scary asf. What the hell is going on.

I walked in slowly looking to make sure he doesn't sneak up on me.
Mateo: Keyshawn where the fuck are you?
I then heard is voice from different places.
Keyshawn: I don't know I could be here. It maybe I'm there. Then again I might be behind you.

I jumped and turned around to see no one. What the fuck.

Mateo: Keyshawn I don't want to start any problems I just want to get Unique.
Key: See that's where the problems start.
Fuck I can't make out where he is. He must have some type of speakers around here. I started walking upstairs but it was even darker up there.

Key: Are you sure you want to go up there?
I heard him laughing in a sinister voice. What the fuck is wrong with this nigga. He on some movie type shit.
I shook my head and heard crying it sounded like Unique but as I got closer it started to sound like static. I opened the closet and realized it was a recording.

Key: That wasn't her buddy strike one.
I gulped this nigga is playing with me. He been watching to movies. He gotta think he jigsaw or sum. I turned the corner to see this narrow ass hallway. I've been in this house so many times and never seen this.
Key: It's getting kinda dark don't you think? How about some light.
I heard a switch flip then the whole hallway set on fire.

Mateo: What the fuck is wrong with you man.
Key: Which door is your little girlfriend behind? Find the door and you will be set free.

He chuckled as the tapes began to play it was the voice of Unique crying. I held my head down. I lost all hope. But then I started to hear muffled nosies coming from the last door and I smiled.

Mateo: Last door on the right.
Key: Smart boy.
The fire then went off as the the door opened. Unique came out about to run to me but I stopped her.
Mateo: Unique wait don't move.
Unique: What why?
Mateo: I've seen this in a movie before. Stay right there.

I went and grabbed something throwing it across the hall making all the traps go off. Wow this nigga got some serious problems.
Mateo: Unique come in we gotta go.
She ran to me with no hesitation. We made our way to Keyshawn room I wanna make sure this nigga dead. I searched his room but he wasn't there. Me and Unique was about to walk out but as soon as we turned around he had a gun to my head. Wait he had my gun.

Key: Never leave your weapons unattended.
I gulped and looked at Unique who was looking for something. Then she spotted a mirror and smiled.
Mateo: Actually Yea.
Key: And?
Mateo: Have a nice life in jail.
Key: Wait wh-
Before he had a chance to finish Unique bust him in the head with the mirror knocking him out.

She looked up at me and broke down.
Mateo: Baby come here it's ok I got you now.
Unique: I thought you would never find out. I thought you weren't going to find me.
Mateo: I know. But I wasn't going stop until I found you.
She smiled. She's so beautiful. Wait hold on I'm supposed to be calling the cops. As I called the police we hand cuffed him to his bed just in case he wakes up.

When the police got here they searched the whole place.
Police: Alright you guess can leave now.
Detective: Wait hold on. Do you guys happen to know a Carshanna Davis?
Us: Yes.
Detective: Here says that she at this location.
She handed me the paper and my mouth dropped.

Mateo: That's your house Unique.
Unique: My house?

Ok now I really want to know what's going on.

Are her parents missing or do they have something to do with torturing Carshanna?

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