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I was sitting down as Key walked in. He had blood all on him.
Key: Where's Teo?
Unique: Keyshawn why do you have blood on you.
Key: I got jumped.
I looked at him weirdly I could tell he was lying but I didn't bother to ask again.
Ayo: Damn Key wtf happened to you.
He started laughing as Key rolled his eyes and went upstairs. I didn't want to be alone with Ayo so went in the kitchen. I wanted to get something to drink and I was struggling trying to get a cup so I gave up and decided to ask Teo but when I turned around Ayo was standing there laughing.
Unique: It's not funny Ayo.
Ayo: You're right it hilarious.
I rolled my eyes as he got a cup fixing some kool-aid.
Ayo: Here midget.
Unique: You can't get mad because your taller than everybody.
Ayo: Shut up.
Unique: Make me.
He smashed his lips against mine making me drop my cup. I jumped on the island as the glass shattered.
Ayo: Damn you a monkey now.
Unique: You made me do it.
I heard Teo and Key running in the kitchen.
Mateo: What the hell y'all got going on.
I pointed at Ayo and yelled.
Unique: He kissed me making me drop the cup.
Mateo/Key: He did what?
I made a weird face I know why Teo is mad but why is Key mad.
Ayo: I did not kiss her.
Mateo: Whatever man.
They left out and I looked at Ayo.
Unique: Why'd you do that.
Ayo: Nah why you snitching.
Unique: Because you know I like Teo.
Ayo: I don't give a fuck.
Unique: Are you serious.
Ayo: Unique you just don't know how bad I want you if you just let me.
Before he finished he touched me face getting closer but I kicked him. He tried to grab my leg but I jumped to the counter. Damn I am a monkey.

Key pov
What the hell is wrong with me do I feel jealous. But why I don't actually like her do I? No I don't. Nigga you know you like her. No I don't. Shut. Shut up lie again. Wtf why am I talking to myself. You got problems Keyshawn. Wait I am Keyshawn what the fuck. A nigga dumb as fuck. Ok I'm still talking to myself. I got snapped out my thoughts by Teo snapping in my face.

Mateo: Aye my boy u ight.
Key: Yea why you say dat.
Mateo: Because you just out of nowhere saying wtf am I talking to myself.
Key: I said that out loud.
Mateo: Yea
Key: Bro I got to go I think I'm going crazy.
Mateo: Ight.
I dapped Teo up then left. Maybe I do like her. I mean maybe I can get her to go with me for real. But I got to make sure she knows she's mine. Fuck Teo he don't deserve her.

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