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The next day I woke up getting ready for school. When I was finished I went downstairs there was no sign of Ayo I kind of miss him around. Yea I'm mad at him but I didn't mean to push him out of his own home.

I walked in the kitchen to see Lydia cooking I gulp and automatically turned around but I guess she heard me.
Lydia: No no no miss than get your butt back in here.
Unique: Yes ma'am.
I said softly while walking toward her with my head hung low. I really do feel ashamed of myself for what happened yesterday and I knew she knows exactly what happened.
Lydia: Where's Teo?
Unique: He's getting ready.
I played with my fingers in embarrassment.

Lydia: Girl lift your head there's nothing to be ashamed of.
She then put me and Teo plate on the island. I swear she reads my mind.
Lydia: So about yesterday. What the fuck was that?
Unique: I-i m-me and T-te
I got cut off by her yelling Teo name.
Lydia: Where's Ayo?
Mateo: He left to Lucas house because we were mad at him.

She shook her head.
Lydia: This damn boy. Always running from his problems. Y'all lil nasties eat and get out my house.
Mateo: Oh damn mom it's like that.
Lydia: Boy watch your mouth and get out. Unique you can finish eating.
She grabbed Teo plate and pushed him out the door.
I giggled and finished eating.

I walked in and automatically got everybody asking me where I been. Why tho it's not like they actually care. I was on my way to class and my auntie stopped me.

Principal Wilson: Girl where the hell you've been. Your fucking mom is worried about you and so am I.
Unique: Did they move.
I asked totally disregarding what she said.
Principal Wilson: Yes they did. Unique you are on the urge of not graduating do you know how serious this is? Never have you ever stayed back or missed any days of school.
Unique: So auntie.
Principal Wilson: Unique baby? What's wrong? You know I'm here for you just let me know.
Unique: I'm tired tt ok I'm tired of this shit I get bullied every day and no matter how many friends I get or how popular I get I will always be bullied auntie.

I started to break down and she pulled me into a tight hug.
Principal Wilson: It's ok sweetheart everything will get better soon. I promise just make sure you make up all your work so you can graduate.
Unique: How auntie? We only have 4 more days.
Principal: I believe in you ok you can do this. Do it for me if not that then do it for your mom she only wants the best for you.
I smiled she was completely right. If she believes I could do it then why not try.

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