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Me and Teo was rushing to Carshanna hospital room to make sure she was ok when we walked in she was smiling.
Carshanna: Hi.
Unique: Are you ok?
Carshanna: Yea I'm fine.
Mateo: Who did this?
Carshanna: Maria.
Unique: What?
Mateo: You lying.
Carshanna: No really she did. She got mad because I backed out.
Mateo: Backed out. Backed out of what?
Carshanna: We we're gonna kill Unique but it got delayed because Keyshawn had me.
Unique: Who is we?
Carshanna: Well it was me, her, and Trevor. Now it's just her and Trevor.

Mateo: Hell nah fuck with my wife you getting decapitated.
Unique: Your wife?
Mateo: Oh yeah me and Carshanna married you didn't know.
Unique: Boy you better stop playing with me. Carshanna you don't happen to have a mirror do you?
Mateo: Oh no baby chill I was just playing.
Carshanna giggled. I can't believe I'm saying this but it's good to see her laughing.
Mateo: You're my wife ok.
Unique: Ok great.

Mateo: You see what I have to deal with Carshanna?
Carshanna: I never seen this side of her.
Mateo: Yea I made lil baby strong.
Unique: Speaking of lil babies.
She giggled scratching her neck looking at my pants. I automatically got mad.
Mateo: You better stop trying me.
Unique: Aww the baby.
Mateo: What ever man. Yo Carshanna this bitch I'm mean female bout knocked my head off because I told her we weren't together. Then guess what else.

Carshanna: She beat you with a frame?
Mateo: Worse.
Carshanna: She banged your head against the table.
Mateo: No the bitch t-
Unique: Keep acting like I'm not here and call me a bitch again.
Mateo: Well the FEMALE threatened to smash my head in with a hammer.
Carshanna: Oh hell nawl I'm glad I stopped picking on her when you came you just changed her.
Mateo: I didn't change her I just found a way to make her be comfortable with who she was.

Unique: Ok so you two are ignoring the fact that I'm here.
Carshanna: Yo T you hear something.
Mateo: Nah what you talking bout.
Carshanna: I swear I heard Unique.
Mateo: You tripping.
Unique: You know what?
I picked up Teo keys and smiled.
Unique: You shouldn't have taught me to drive.
I then left him he chased me but I was already in the car.

Mateo: Yo you not finna leave me.
Unique: Watch me.
I then pulled off and he threw his hands up. I giggled I'm not finna do my baby like that. I made a quick uturn and he got in the car..

Trevor pov
I was chilling counting money while Maria was aggravating me.
Maria: Trevor?
Maria: Trevor!
Maria: Trevor!!!
Trevor: Damn bitch what? Don't you see I'm counting money?

She held her head down looking all sad. I really don't give a fuck but the thing that ticked me off is what she said.
Maria: I wish I still had Teo
Trevor: What you just say?
Maria: N-nothing
I threw my money on the table going towards her grabbing her neck.
Trevor: What did you say.
I spoke sternly cussing her to flinch which in my eyes was funny.

Maria: I-i didn't say anything Trevor I'm sorry.
Trevor: Trevor?
Maria: No no I mean daddy.
I could tell she was scared. I love it when she's scared and broken down.
Trevor: You know what? Get down.
Maria: Excuse me?
Trevor: Get down now!!

She quickly did as told while gulping.
Trevor: Now what happens when you make me mad?
Maria: I will be punished.
Trevor: Then.
Maria: I suck Daddy's dick.
Trevor: What's the rule after you suck my dick?
Maria: One, after I suck Daddy's dick I will not kiss Daddy's lips. Two, I will suck Daddy's dick until he nuts in my mouth and I will swallow it. Three, if I dare let my teeth touch Daddy's dick Daddy will whip me full force.

She gulped once more and I chuckled rubbing my hand across her face.
Trevor: Good girl

That was something.....

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