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I was laying down crying my little heart out. I felt my bed sink in I knew it was Ayo. He rubbed my back to comfort me.

Ayo: It's ok Unique.
Unique: No it's not. I thought he loved me but he doesn't.
Ayo: That isn't true. He loves you to death. He just has a hard time showing it.
Unique: I don't want to be feed with lies Ayo.
Ayo: Just give him another chance.
Unique: Why do you even care last I check you didn't give a fuck that I liked him.

I shook my head.
Ayo: Look I was wrong I do care. I realized that I can't always have what I want. I mean you are so very beautiful but I have to get over the fact that you don't want me. I was go do some very pathetic shit. But I realized no matter what I do you'll never want me. You love Mateo and that's who your destined to be with.

She turned around and burred her face in my chest. How do girls breath while doing that.
Unique: Do you mean that?
Ayo: Of course I do. You just don't realize how much yall both love each other. You push him away he's always there for you. He push you away you aggravate him until he gets over being mad. I probably would've been socked yo shit tryna ignore me. No one ignores me nor do they annoy me.

She laughed and looked up at me.
Unique: Ayo I love you.
Ayo: I know what you're about to say. As a brother.
She smiled.
Unique: Either way it go I still love you.

I smiled and hugged her. She's actually letting me touch her for the first time. I'm glad that I got over the fact that I liked her. She's better off with Mateo anyway.
Ayo: You're the sister I've never had.
Unique: And your the brother I never could have.
I kissed her forehead.
Ayo: Now you better sort shit out with Teo before I whoop you. And you and Key need to stop that lil fake dating bullshit. He ain't no good.

Unique: And you know this how.
Ayo: Just know he's the reason no one has been seeing Carshanna lately.
She looked at me with concerned eyes but I could tell she didn't let curiosity take the best of her.

Ayo: Oh and send this to Lucas.
I handed her my phone. Her mouth dropped as the video played.
Unique: That bitch.
Ayo: You said that wrong it's that hoe.
She giggled. We ended up watching tv. Her childish ass wanna roll on the floor and shit. Wow Mateo did an amazing job on her letting her inner self out.

Mateo pov
I was laying down dying inside as I listened to Unique and Ayo play. She'll never forgive me. I fucked up big time. I know my dad told me men don't cry but I'm breaking down. I can't take this shit. I love her so much but she's always pushing me away. I don't think I can be here for her no more. It's obvious that she doesn't like me. I mean she wouldn't push me away if she did. But she wouldn't be busting people in the head with a damn mirror if she doesn't.

I tossed and turned all night. Just the thought of losing her makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn't sleep so I turned my tv on. I heard Unique faint snores through my wall wishing she was laying next to me. I just want to hold her and never let go. She makes me feel a way I never felt before. I once had a emptiness in my heart but she filled it.

All I could do was think about us and our future. I was paying no attention to the tv nor time. But when I realized it, it was 7:25 looks like I'm not going to school today. I got up and opened my curtain to see my mom pulling up. I feel like a child on Christmas I swear I ran downstairs I love my parents to death.

She walked in and smiled.
Ma/Lydia: Oh there's my favorite person of the day.
Mateo: Hey momma.
Ma/Lydia: Hey baby. Where Ayo and Niqueie poo.
Mateo: Jesus you gave her a nick name.
She laughed as I helped her with her stuff.

Ma/Lydia: You ok baby you look tired.
Mateo: Didn't get any sleep.
Ma/Lydia: Well looks like you're helping momma with breakfast.

I smiled as we started making breakfast minutes later Ayo and Unique walked downstairs. Ayo was happy ass hell to see Mom.
Ayo: Momma!
Ma/Lydia: Boy hush why you always so damn loud.
We all laughed as they hugged. I looked at Unique as she glared at me. She then held her head. Oh fuck no. I quickly made my way to her catching her crown.

Mateo: Don't ever let this fall.
She looked up and smiled as I placed the imaginary crown back on her head. Maybe I can put a real one on there one day. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Ayo and my mom aweing. I turned around and rolled my eyes.
Ma/Lydia: You two are so cute.
Ayo: Un uh momma they been having problems.
Oh this fucking snitch he knows momma gonna get on me.

Ma/Lydia: Problems. What type of problems. You know what don't tell me just fix them.
Us: Yes ma'am.
Ayo stuck is tongue out at us and left. I shook my head.
Mateo: Unique you have to go to school today your auntie is worried about you.
Unique: Mateo I just got out of that hell whole why would I want to go back in.

I smiled.
Mateo: Look at this she's finally talking to me.
Unique: I couldn't stay mad at you if my life was on the line.
Mateo: I know you're not saying what I think you're saying.
Unique: Yes Teo i-
Mateo: Wait hold up don't kill me I'm already dying.
Unique: I love you.
Mateo: Oh shit momma she killed me.
My mom laughed as she spanked me with the spatula.
Ma/Lydia: Say it back boy.
Unique: Yea say it back Mateo.

I flashed her one of my sexy smiles cussing her to blush as I grabbed her waist.
Mateo: I love you too my princess. Sorry about that my mom has already taken the queen spot.
She giggled as I leaned in for a kiss. Next thing I know is a flash. I looked at my mom and busted out laughing.
Mateo: Really momma.
Ma/Lydia: I'm sorry I had to get this moment...

Aww aren't they just so cute.

And where the hell is Carshanna??

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