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After me and Mateo finished our project it was around 11:00 I was so freaking tired.
Unique: I should be heading home now.
Mateo: The fuck not at this time of night.
Unique: Mateo I can't be here I just feel as if I don't belong.
Mateo: You don't need to belong you just need to be yourself.
Unique: Great speech Mateo. But really I've got to go.
Mateo: Fine leave.
I could tell that he was mad but I just don't belong in a big house like this in front of a boy as cute as him. I got up about to hug him but he just got up and walked in his bathroom. I walked out not seeing Ayo anywhere. As I was walking home I saw Carshanna. Where the hell she come from? I was knocked out my thoughts by her pushing me.
Maria: Why the fuck are you coming out of my nigga house.
Unique: A project he is my partner dumbass.
Carshanna: Bitch you better watch your mouth. Ol ugly skank.
Unique: Oh I'm ugly Mateo seems to think otherwise.
Maria: Bitch what?
Unique: You heard me.
Carshanna: Oh so you think you all big and bad now that you got a new friend.
Unique: Whatever.
I started to walk away but Carshanna grabbed me and they began to jump me. I was losing my vision as I seen to boys walk over and push them away.
Mateo: Maria what the fuck are you doing.
Maria: Saving our relationship.
Ayleo: Nah shawty I think you just ended y'all relationship. Yo Nique you ok.
Unique: Yea.
Carshanna: Um who the hell are you to tell my cousin she ended her relationship.
Ayleo: Mateo's older brother. Any more questions?
Mateo: Maria go home.
Maria: No you got me fucked up.
Mateo: Maria go home!!
Maria: Why so you can take this tramp back in your house and fuck her.
Mateo: I am not going to say it again take your bitch ass home.
She looked hella pissed. Carshanna slapped the mess out of him. He was about to beat the day lights out of her but Ayleo stopped him.
Ayleo: Come on Mateo your better than that. Let's take her home.
Mateo mushed Maria and grabbed my hand as we walked off. I knew this wasn't the end of Mateo and Maria because she always gets her niggas back. As we walked up to my porch I looked at Ayleo and smiled.
Unique: Thank you so much Ayleo.
Ayleo: No problem but just call me Ayo.
Unique: Will do.
He started to walk off as Mateo walked up to me and hugged me but I didn't hug back.
Mateo: Come on now. You got to hug me back.
I smiled as I hugged back and he smiled and pecked my forehead.
Mateo: There you go. Sorry for what happened.
Unique: It's not your fault.
Mateo: No it is. I told you I would always be by your side. I should've drove you home or walked with you in the first place.
Unique: It's fine I'm telling you.
Mateo: Alright now that I know where you live I expect you to be ready by 7:00 tomorrow.
Unique: For what we finished our project.
Mateo: You'll see now go get some sleep beautiful.
I smiled as he walked off and I went in the house when I turned around I seen my mom and auntie smiling.
Hope: Welcome home Mrs.Bowles.
Unique: Jesus auntie we do not date.
Mom: Whatever.
Hope: Go upstairs we have a surprise.
Unique: Um ok.
I walked upstairs into my room. When I walked in my heart got extremely happy. There was a iPhone, iPad, iPod, a MacBook, and money lots and lots of money, there was a Xbox 360 and one, there's was just so much. Jesus Christ I don't need this.
Unique: Auntie did you do this.
Hope: Yes baby girl and I plan on taking you shopping tomorrow. You know you have school after tomorrow.
Unique:Yea I'll pass.
Hope: Come on nothing is as good as a make over. Oh and there's tons of food in the fridge.
Unique: You got to be shitting me.
Hope: Um excuse your language.
Unique: Auntie your also guilty. I should've recorded you cursing at school that day.
Hope: Oh whatever go eat girl. And I'm coming tomorrow to help you get ready for your date.
Unique: It's not a date you nosey woman.
Hope: Oh it's a date trust me.
With that she left I just went to sleep. I can't believe she bought all this stuff. The real question tho is where the hell is my dad..

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